Chapter Twenty

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They looked at him. "Uh…were throwing you a surprise party!" Rydel covered up. "Dell…My birthday isn't for another 4 months." He said. "What she means is…that we just won't say anything about anything." She said. He raised an eyebrow. "O…kay. Can we talk?" He asked looking at her. She looked at her and gave her a nod. She nodded and walked away. They just stood there. "What did you wanna talk about?" She asked him. "I wanted to say sorry about earlier." He said starting the conversation. "No. It's okay." She said looking the other way. "Did I do something for you to give the cold shoulder?" He asked. She just looked down. "I can do this." She whispered to herself.

He was confused. "Hellooo?". He was even more confused.Her silence just made him more uneasy."Is there something I should know!?" He asked. "I want to nove back to Europe." She said. He froze. "What?" He asked. "I need to returnn." She told him. "But why? What about Katie?" He asked. "I'm taking her with me." She told him. "Why couldn't you have just told us all?" He asked. "Since we have came back, you have been ruining my life. I have to do everything I can for Katie." She said. "Excuse me? Ruining your life?" He asked. "Yes. Now this is just temporary." She said.  "Have you told her yet?" He asked. "No. I don't plan doing so either. " She said. "You can't move back." He said.

"Why can't we?" She asked. He looked at her. "Katie is a member of this family now. I'm sure she's not gonna be happy about leaving". He said. "I can't be here. I want to go back home in the UK". She said. "Well you can't. Are you more concerned about your happiness or of your daughter's!?" He asked now a bit mad at her selfishness. "Katie!!!" He called her. She crossed her arms.She ran over to them. "Hm?" She asked looking between her parents. "Do you wanna move back to the UK or do you wanna stay here in America?" He asked her. Her smile dropped. "Why are you asking me such question?" She asked.

"Mommy here feels she should take you back to the UK. Do you want to go back?" He asked her. She bit her lip. "What? But we just moved here and I like it here." She said. "Tell her. Tell her she's being selfish." He said. "Wait. Mom is there a reason why?" She asked. "No. We'll talk about this later." She said. "No.Laura your going to tell us why now!" He said. "Why do you care!? Let me be." She said turned to walk away. "Of course. Sure.Run away like you always do." He said. She turned back around. Katie looked at them as they glared at one another. "What did you just say!?" She asked him. Her lips quivered as her hands balled into a fist with a scowl on her face. "Don't you dare pin this on me!" She screamed in his face. "Your doing exactly what you did 4 years ago. You're running from the problem without thinking about anyone else but yourself!" He yelled back in fury stepping towards her. She was boiling. But she was no where near him. He looked like he would pounce at any second.He took a deep breath. "Run like you always do." He repeated. She was then livid.
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