Chapter Fifty-Two

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"YOU DID WHAT!?" Rydel yelled. "I'm sorry. He said what we had was nothing and that we were a mistake. Is that really how your brother feels about me?" She asked. "No! WAIT! Ross!? Said that!?" She asked. "Yup. He regrets ever being with me." She said walking over and sitting on the couch. "THE WHOLE POINT OF BEING A COUPLE IS TO BUILD EACH OTHER UP NOT TEAR EACH OTHER DOWN!!! WHEN HE GETS HOME, WE ARE GONNA HAVE A SERIOUS DISCUSSION AND IF EITHER OF YOU GET UP, I WILL HURT YOU BOTH!" She shouted scaring Laura to the point all her lip could do was quiver. "You two known and loved each other from the first time you guys were together. Don't throw that away. Especially now that you have Katie. You can't fly her back and forth between the two of you. Its not fair. She's only four. If you guys put my niece through this I swear to god,Kacey isn't gonna be the only one who's gonna need a wheel chair for the rest of her life". She gritted her teeth. "Now. Go home.Get in a nice shower and get dressed in that new dress you designed and come back here with your makeup in tact. If I have to drag you here, so be it!" She yelled. She nodded visiously. She had never been scared of Rydel but this Rydel isn't Rydel. She smiled sweetly as she ushered her out the door.

"Laura?" He called. She turned around and rolled her eyes. "Is there anything I can assist you with?" She asked. "Rydel told me before dinner starts to come see you." He said. Of course she did. "Wow. Mommy and daddy you match. You look like husband and wife." She smiled cheekily. They laughed. They looked at each other and coughed. "Daddy. Tell mommy." She said. She tilted her head. "Tell mommy what?" She asked. "Daddy was gonna tell you that he was gonna-" He cut her off. "Daddy would like to tell her that please." He said lightly glaring at her. She chuckled. "I got what I wanted. I have custody over Katie too." He smiled. "What!? How?!" She asked. "Katie give us a moment." He said. She nodded and walked away. "When your me, you'll practically get anything handed to you." He said. He didn't just say that. "I think I'm gonna be sick." She said holding her stomach. "What you do? Sleep with the girl behind the desk at the office!?"She asked. "No! I wouldn't do that to you." He said. "If it wasn't for me, you would've done it?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "No. That's not what I meant." He said. "Of course you didn't. Instead of facing me like a man knowing I'd win, you won cowardly. I hope your proud of yourself. I'm sure as hell proud of you." She said sarcastically and stomped off. He sighed. "I love you."

"Kacey Miller everyone." Rocky announced and sat in his seat. Everyone was silent. She looked at all of them as they did the same. "This was suppose to be a pre-wedding party but as you can all see, its not." She said. She looked at him who was looking down. "Sometimes the one you love and thought they love you in return, doesn't. I could say a million possible things but I'm only gonna say a few things." She said. "Booo! Get off the stage!" Ryland yelled. Everyone looked at him. He fidgeted in his seat uncomfortably. She laughed. "Well first I'd like to tell you guys that I've called off the engagement. No need to lie to the press. I told them, we both wanted something different." She said. He looked at her for the first time. "There was some big news I had to share but I'm not going to. Laura, I'm sorry. Its not true." She confessed. Everyone looked over at her. She looked at her. She winked. "You guys enjoy the rest of your night. I have a plane to Florida to catch. Thank you." She said sadly and walked out. They clapped. "Kacey wait!" He called after her.

"We're breaking in.... to each other's life.Stealing all we can." He sang. "That's a nice song. Who's it about?" Riker asked his brother. "Isn't it obvisous?" He asked. "Well try this for a change. Be with your baby mama. Tell her how you feel before we leave in 2 days." He said. "How if she won't even look at me?" He asked. "Do it now. And when she won't look at you, you do what us bros are used to. You go for it." He said. He nodded. "Thanks bro." He said. He tapped his shoulder and walked over to the table. He winked at him. "Hi. I'd like to talk to Laura." He said. She hated being the center of attention so she blushed and sunk in her seat. "Aww." Eveyone said. "Look Laura. I love you." He said. She rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean anything I said last night. I wasn't trying to hurt anybody. But your right. I was being a selfish son of a bitch." He said. They all gasped and looked at her. "I didn't say that I swear!" She said putting her hands up in surrender. He chuckled. "This woman here is the best thing that has ever happened to me." He said. They all smiled and stared at them in "Awe." "A few years back, I cheated on this beautiful young lady. It was never my intention but everything happens for a reason." He said looking down. "Laura Marie Marano, was suppose to become Lynch that night. But all it took was one kiss to ruin all that." He said walking over to her side.

"She left me that same night and went off to Europe where she knew no one or the language. There she launched a career of being the best designer ever. See this dress, she made it." He said. Everyone clapped for her. "But something bigger than her career came out also. She gave birth to our beautiful daughter, Katie. Who she raised alone to this amazing individual." He said pointing to the little red cheeked girl. He smiled. "Sure you can say that loving me was the biggest mistake of your life but in reality, I was the best. I'm not saying it to be cocky but I am because its true". He said taking her hand. "Sorry it took me so long to figure it out but, it did mean something. It meant EVERYTHING. I love you so much and I know deep inside your heart you love me too." He said biting his lip to hold back the tears threatening to fall. It would be so embarrasssing if she didn't say anything after pouring his heart out to her. "I love you sooo much. I know I hurt you in the past but please. I love you. I know for a fact that I'm not confused. I never stopped loving you." He said with a tear rolling down his cheek. She wiped it off but now hers were rolling down her cheek. "" She said. He immediately kissed her as everyone started cheering and clapping. Especially Rydel!
So last chapter was a scare!:) You guys were terrified!! Hahaha!:) Sorry for doing that to you guys but I love your reactions;) That scare was to warn you that this book is coming to an end. 2-4 more chapters then this is all done!:) Comment and Vote!!!!

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