Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Okay your turn." Katie said handing him the dice. "I don't play board games. It's in the name bore games." He said. She rolls her eyes. "Really? I try to do something fun together and this is what your gonna say?" She said breaking out her puppy dog eyes and pouty lip. "I'm not buying." He said crossing his arms. She filled them with tears. Laura came over. "What's wrong?" She asked. She pointed to the guy with crossed arms. She rolled her eyes and smacked him. "Hey!" He said looking at her. She nudged her head towards her. "Then you owe me." He said. "So you need something out of hanging out with me?" She asked now a bit upset. "What?! No. It's just I don't like board games.Ask mommy." He said. She looked at her. "Is it true?" She asked her. "Yes. It's cause he sucks." She laughed. "Hahaha." She joined her. "That is so not true!" He pouted. "Oh yeah? Then prove it. Its like how can you suck at them? Its a board game!" She laughed. "Fine. How do we win?" He asked. "Easy. First one to be here." She said pointing to the finish. "Fair enough." He said.

"So do I draw a card?" He asked after a minute the game began. "No. You draw a card after you land on a square that says you draw a card." She said in a 'duh' tone. She chuckles. "Did you not teach him how to play mommy?" She asked. She looked her. "Sweetie. Its like teaching a child to use the potty." She said. "How could you say that?" He said fake offended. "Its true isn't it?" She asked. "Well then." He said. She laughed and sat on his lap. "Its okay daddy. I know you'll do so. You'll always do so." She said. "Oh. So now you wanna be all cutesy? No. Not accepting." He said. She rolled her eyes. She motioned for her to come over. She shook her head. "Please." She said. "Okay time for bed." She said.

"What? But we just started. And did grandma put you to sleep at 8?" She asked. "Yes. Yes she did." She said getting up. "Katie. Time for bed." She said. "But--" He cut her off. "I'll make our favorite snack and without mommy knowing, sneak into your room and we share it." He told her. She gives him a 'Really? I'm standing right here' look. He smiles cheekily. "Nice." She said doing their handshake. She places her hands on her hips. He coughs. "What I mean is... Oh yeah. Your being unfair." He pouted. She looked at him and did the same. "Katie..." She started. "I know. I'll go." She said and started walking to her room. They looked at one another. "I'll put her to bed." He said. "Don't you always?" She asked sarcastically. "I'll be in her room if you need me." He said and walked away. She chuckled and went to her room.

She sat there staring into space. 'Is this my life for the next 3 weeks? I'm willing to set our differences aside. I see how Kacey seems to be far from his mind when he's with me. I can't be the reason why him and Kacey break up. Even if they do, she'll pin it on me. I told her its over. She didn't believe me. She comes at me, I will toss her to alligators on fourth'. She laughed to herself. "Knock knock!" He said walking in. "Hey!" She said. "Hey!" He smiled. "Thanks for putting her to bed." She said. "Putting her to b- oh yeah. Your welcome." He said. "You didn't?" She asked. "Noo." He said. She eyed him. "Okay. Maybe". He said. "Ross..." She whined. "Okay. Enough about me. What you got there?" He asked looking at her drawing. "My new collection." She said. "Underwear?" He asked. "Nope. Swim suits." She said. "Woman?" He asked. "And men". She added. "Why?" He asked. "Because spring is about to be in season." She said. "Anything else?" He asked. "This one is underwear." She said taking out a few more drawings. "Wow." He said. "Yeah. Guess who will be modeling this for me?" She smirked. "You?" He asked. "I said for me not who." She rolled her eyes. "Who?" He asked.

"Kacey. I should see how she reacts." She smiles. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah. She got the call. Next month is all about these." She said laying out more. "Damn. She has to model all of these?" He asked. "Yup. Along with a few other models. She can't model 34 designs. Some might now be for her fit." She said. "You mean like this?" He asked pulling up one. "Exactly." She said and looked through more of them. "I know who would fit this perfectly." He smirked. "Oh yeah? Who?" She asked. "You." He winked. She felt a blush creep up her face. "Not even." She said turned towards the others hiding her blushing face. "Tell me that is not your size?" He said teasing a bit. "Oh yeah cause a drawing tells you the size of my undergarments." She said. "You didn't deny it! Yes!" He said. She slapped his arm. "Ow! Hey!" He said. "My baby is asleep." She said. "Our baby." He corrected. "Yeah. Sure." She said rolling her eyes. "What's the matter?" He asked. "Shut up." She said. "Well. Back to this. Seriously this is your size I mean look." He said pointing at it. "Right. And how would you know?" She asked. "Because I've seen it all." He smirked. "Okay...Well thanks. Night. Time for bed." She said awkwardly. "It was an am--" She cut him off. "And I regret showing you these. Psh... Men." She said and started picking her drawings up.
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