What you buy them for their birthday<3

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Shu: A new MP3 player.

Reiji: A tea set.

Laito: a gift just as demeaning until you realize it was a mistake.

Ayato: A clip-on tie.

Kanato: some different kinds of cake.

Subaru: a case for his knife.

Ruki: One of the first versions of "To kill a mocking bird".

Yuma: Tomato fertilizer.

Kou: Shirts that need to be zipped not buttoned.

Azusa: A new case for more knives.

Thanks for reading this one was super short I'm so sorry.

Taking requests...

I Have a Reiji Sakamaki and Ruki Mukami fan fic..

I'll be doing one-shots soon. I'm working on it.



109 words

Re-edited- 4/29/21

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