Reiji x Plus size reader. #1

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You had been walking down the halls, catching the attention you didn't want. Egotistical boys telling derogatory terms in your face left and right, you arrived at the lunch room.

You brought a container of vegetables, you assumed you would get less attention that way.

You were new.

You had been homeschooled for a few years and wanted college credit and decided to come back to school. You didn't have any friends.
Then walking until you found an available table.

It had been a minute or so when you saw someone's figure take a seat at the table. You closed your book placing the bookmark you made first.
He didn't speak.

He was tall and thin, raven hair and magenta eyes. Square like glasses rested on his nose bridge. His eyes met a book as well.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"No, sorry." You looked down.

"The great gatsby, good read." His voice echoed.

"It is..." you grinned.

You hadn't seen him before, yet' you'd been going to this school for two days. "Are you new here?" You asked. "No, I just wasn't in town." He met your e/c eyes.


"Are you?" He asked.

"Seems like it..." you laughed off.

"Interesting..." his expression confused.

Is it interesting? You weren't sure if he was just being kind or was genuinely interested in you.
Then the blaring bell rung, you stood with a small smile. "See you later." You smiled before walking off.

You looked back to see his bland expression before walking out of the doors.


It was the next day, lunch was approaching and you felt a little excited hoping to start a further conversation with the tall boy. You sat down at the same table, to your surprise he returned.

"Hi..." you spoke awkwardly.

"Afternoon." His deep voice spoke.

"What's your name? We spoke yesterday and I hadn't gotten your name..." you asked.

"Sakamaki, Reiji Sakamaki."

"Y/n L/n..." you grinned.

"Any reason your always sitting alone?" He asked. You had a small shocked expression on your face from the question.

"I'm new..."

"You can be new and sit with others." He slid his glasses up his nose bridge.

"I suppose that's true. I just don't exactly well, fit in I guess." You laughed off.

"Why's that?" He met your e/c eyes.

"We'll look at me..." you chuckled.

"I am." He spoke seriously.

You sat with a shocked expression and felt embarrassed by it. You hadn't expected him to say such a thing. Especially someone who looked like him.

"An answer is requested." He asked patiently.

"Well it's just others treat me differently, I guess I've just adjusted to that." You shrugged.

"People get confused by things that are the minority, instead of trying to understand it, they hate it."

"That's makes a lot of sense, thanks." You grinned.

"Don't let those kind of things get under your skin. While there insecurities are crawling in theirs." He stood throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

"Have a good lunch." He muttered before placing a container of what seemed like Japanese croquettes.


The first edit- 9/12/21

Published- 9/12/21

Words- 529


Diabolik Lovers Scenarios and One shots..<3 (Boyfriend scenario's)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang