Ayato x Maid cafe worker. {Last part}

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He was kissng you..And you kissed him back for some reason.
Then he pulled away making eye-contact ...

"You belong to me..for now on." He said running his hand along your neck.


"You are mine and mine only...Got it?"


He then got up and walked out of the room..

"What did i just agree too?" You asked yourself..

You got and up and went looking for a bathroom...You came acrossed a man standing in a door way..

"And you are?" He asked..Pushing his glasses farther up his nose bridge..

"I'm Y/n L/n."

"I'm Reiji Sakamaki..Any reason your parading in a mansion that you don't live in dressed so indecently?" He asked annoyed.

"Ayato brought me here.."

"Of course he did..." He said looking you up and down..

"It's nothing like that...I can assure you.."

"Right...And that's why your dressed that way?"

"Well-" He then walked away before you could finish.

"Great.." You said walking around to still find a bathroom.

You came acrossed a room which had the appearnce of a bathroom so you walked inside.
It was giant with a large marble bathtub with gold detailing. Along with a huge shower the size of a normal sized bedroom.


"Need something?" Said a familiar voice.

You turned around to find the man with a hat..

"I uhm..Just need to freshen up.." You said with a smile.

"Since Ayato got to have his way with you...I believe it's my turn.." He said running his hand along your cheek.

You stepped backwards and he followed.

"Please..Don't.." You said hitting your back off of a wall.

He then placed both of his hands over you on the wall..

"No escaping..Little bitch." He said rubbing your thigh..

You tried to get away but he trapped you in his arms..

"Trying to leave?..*nfu~*"

"Please just let me go...I'll let you have some of my blood." You said in a pleading tone.

"Ahhh...Pleading are we?.."

He then lowered his lips to your ear..

"I wan't both." He said reaching his hand under the sweatshirt.

Almost as he was about to reach your chest somone caught his hand..
It was Ayato.

You let out a sigh of relief as you felt saved.

"Don't touch what belongs to your's truly."

"you claimed this one?" He asked.


"Till next time...Little bitch." He said walking away...

"Thank you.."

"Don't thank me...I only did it as i don't like for my brother's to touch my things." He said grabbing your arm.

"Where are we going?"

"My room."

He then walked you back to his room and threw you onto the bed..Then crawling over your body..
Then lowering his head to your neck..You felt the sharp cold pain as you had before. But he didn't drink enough for you to lose consiousness.

"There." He said running his finger along the wound..

"Do you feel sick?" He asked making eye-contact.

"N-no..Not really."

"Good.." He said then wrapping his hands around your waist..and hugging you.

"He's hugging me?..What happened too "Don't confuse me for somone with remorse?" hmm." You thought.

He then let go and placed his lips onto your's once again.
Then pulling away and making eye-contact..

"Why me?" You asked.


"Well, Why choose to take me?..."

"All of those times i came to that endeering little cafe...Wasn't for the luke-warm latte."


"I hate coffee."

You then laughed..


"Sorry...its just kinda funny."

"Do you not like me?" He asked.

"I didn't say that..I mean at first i hated you but i thought you were a conceited narcasist..Now i think your a conceited narcasist that can be kind."

"That wasn't an answer."

"Then...yes i do."



You and Ayato began to date...He forced you to stay in the large mansion with him but he still allowed you to go to work..
As he loved to come and see you work..And watch you also..

Although since your new move Ayato has had to threaten Laito a countless amount of times.

But then you found out he had scoping you out for months before walking into "the coffee pot."..


Thanks for reading <3

Were so close to 900 reads..

I have a Reiji Sakamaki fanfic if your interested.


741 words.

Diabolik Lovers Scenarios and One shots..&lt;3 (Boyfriend scenario's)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora