When you upset them. {Sweet ending <3}

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A/n: I'm almost to 7k reads, thank you all so much.


Shu: Shu had gone walking around the mansion to find you. He came to your bedroom door and knocked but you lacked any or all response.
"Y/n?" He asked as he continued. Then giving up and walking to the couch, he heard your voice as he walked past Reiji's room.

He had noticed you spending some time with him, more than usual. He assumed it was for studying purposes but no-one usually laughs when they study.
Quietly walking to the couch and attempting to sleep, but he couldn't. The echoes of your small voice ran through the mansion.

He laid for a few hours unable to sleep. You walked past the living room and sat beside him, then pressing a kiss onto his cheek. "Giving me attention, now?' He asked.
"What?" You asked confused. "I don't need it, go on." He gestured you away.

You weren't sure why he was so upset, but you didn't want to upset him further by prying. So you did just that, you left the room. Later on you sat on your bed,
thinking of what he had been upset about. You built up the courage to go ask him, springing up from your bed and down the halls of the mansion.

You placed a knock on the door four times in hopes of an answer. All was silent, he was silent. "Shu, I know your in there." You spoke from beyond the door.
There again was blatant silence. "Fine, once your ready to talk you know where i'll be." You stated.

It was the next day and you woke up in hopes he might be there, but he was no-where to be found. You again went to his room and noticed the door was cracked,
you let yourself in and didn't see him. The bathroom door was open so you walked past to see him in but a towel around his waist, and brushing his teeth.

"Shu-san?" You asked walking slowly in the bathroom. He looked into your e/c eyes then spitting the toothpaste, while remaining all eye-contact with you.
"Why won't you talk to me?" You asked. "Go talk to Reiji." He spoke breaking eye-contact. "Reiji?" You asked confused.

"You seem to engage in conversation, and spend more time with him than me." He said meeting your eyes through the mirror. "What are you talking about?" You asked.
"Don't act like a moron." He spoke with a scoff as he rinsed off the tooth-brush. You came behind him and wrapped your arms around his torso.

"I don't expect you to understand Shu-san, but Reiji-san and I have similar acedemic goals. That doesn't make me like him anymore or love you anyless." You uttered.
He met your eyes in the mirror before turning around, and cupping your face. Then lowering his head to yours and kissing you.

"I love you " He softly spoke as him warm breath hit your neck.


Reiji: It had been a month since you were back together, you wanted to buy Reiji a gift to show that you love him. Therefore you got a full-time job at a small cafe.
Your plan was to buy him a watch for '76,763.40 yen = 700 dollars' for the event. You were broke and didn't want to ask his brothers for some money to loan.

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