When you are on your period.

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A/n: I didn't make this one for a while, because I really coudln't relate to it. I got mine somewhat recently and wasn't sure how to go about it, I hope you like it.


Shu: You were laying on the couch alone and were tossing and turning to find a comfortable postion to sleep in. When you felt a small tap on your shoulder, you peered up
wards to see your boyfriend Shu with a confused expression. "Shu-san?' You asked confused. "You keep groaning and tossing around, I can't sleep." He spoke.

"I'm sorry, I am just-"..."In discomfort?" He asked as he motioned you up from the couch. You stood as he sat on the couch and bringing you onto his chest.
He then began to run his hands along your hair as you cuddled up to his chest. "Are you mad I was disturbing you?" You asked...Gazing into his electric blue eyes.

"No, Why didn't you tell me you were on your period?" He asked confused. "It's just kind of embarassing.." You stated burrying your head into his chest.
"I've seen you naked and this is embarassing?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"Most of us girls are taught never to talk about it around men...I guess it's just instinct?" You uttered as you slowly began to fall asleep. "Tell me from now on.." He spoke
before placing a kiss onto your head.


Reiji: You had gotten it that morning and laid back in bed from the small earth-quake in your stomach. As you had almost fallen asleep you heard the door open to Reiji
with a tray in his hands.

"Reiji-san?" You asked sitting up and adjusting to meet his eyes. "This may help.." He spoke handing you a small vile. "How did you-" You stuttered. "It's the beggining of the
month. it's always the second week of the month." He stated with a grin. "You remembered that?" You asked.

"How else can I keep track of punishments?" He asked with a smirk.."Yeah..right.." You uttered then drinking the small vile of liquid. "I prepared breakfast.." He said
handing you the tray. Consisting of chocolate chip pancakes and chocolate milk.

"Thank you Reiji-san..."..."Eat up, the medicine should kick in once you've finished." He spoke peering into your e/c eyes. He sat and discussed schooling and studying schedules as you ate. He even laid beside you hugging onto you and placing small kisses onto your forehead.

"The medicine is worthless.."You followed with a loud groan. "I said it may help...not that it would." He spoke looking up at you."That's what happens when you don't
read the fine print.." You followed with a chuckle.

"For somone who is in 'pain' you sure act elated." He uttered in suspicion. "Well we women try to go on with our lives Reiji-san..Life can't stop over something as natural as this." You spoke with a small grin. "Women are much more interesting than I had pressumed." He spoke.

"You have much to learn.." You stated with a smile. "Well I suppose you'll teach me?" He asked with a large smirk.
"I have free time." You added with a laugh. "Now go to sleep so the medicine will kick in..." He spoke as he patted your stomach. Then falling asleep soon after;


Diabolik Lovers Scenarios and One shots..<3 (Boyfriend scenario's)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat