Shu x Reader (One-shot) <3

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You were walking down the halls of the school as the other students bowed in fear, why? You were a feminist icon for the entire school.
Though you were constantly being villainized for being so open and opinionated, it didn't bother you.

Your goal was to break sexist dress codes and make everyone feel safe.

Mostly the boys never posed any threat, however, you did have to bust Laito and Ayato Sakamaki for force-feeding in some human students.
It usually ended up with them peeved, and conspiring a plan to get you out of your position that being the 'Student Council President.'

You heard the shrill screams of a classmate, running through the halls eventually coming across a small freshman bleeding from the thigh and neck.
Your first indication? The two redheads watching from the corner with smirks on their smug faces.

"Come here-" You helped the small girl up.

"Thank you, thank you..." You walked her to the nurses' office, then walking out to see them both arms crossed and again with a smirk on their face.
"Poor girl, will she be ok?" Laito Laughed. "I'm going to ask you both to get to class before I escort you both myself." You spoke softly, yet' in an aggressive tone.

"Good Afternoon, Y/n," Ayato smirked then walking off down the hall.

As you sat in class, the eyes of Ayato Sakamaki constantly were on you and laughing. "Mrs. Toyami may I use the bathroom pass?" You asked standing to your feet.
"Of course." She smiled. You exited the class when you fell to your feet, slowly sitting up you met piercing blue eyes.

Without your recollection, you were sitting right in between his legs. "I'm sorry-" You called. "Are you going to get off?" He asked. Your eyes widened, as you stood to your feet. "Again I apologize." You bowed forward recognizing it was Shu Sakamaki a third year.

"Y/n the pass?" He spoke handing you the pass that had fallen.

"Right, thank you." You smiled. You paused for a moment, he knew who you were. "You know my name?" You asked confused. "Doesn't everyone?" He asked sluggishly.
"I suppose so-"...He fully opened his eyes looking up meeting your eyes. "Shouldn't you get to class?" He asked.

"I could say the same thing, we're in the middle of second period and here you are. Sitting in the hall listening to music, at least what I hope is music." You spoke aloud.
"That's true, or you could sit down and listen with me." He spoke taking an earbud from his ear.

"Thank you for the offer, though I need to continue to class." You smiled.

He placed his earbud back in his ear with an almost shocked expression. "Well, have a good day Shu-san." You bowed slightly before continuing down the hall.
Then with an intrigued expression, he watched you down the hall.


It had been a few days since the strange encounter with the eldest Sakamaki son, you saw him in the halls and smiled.

Today was a very pivotal day for you, it was a debate on the school's dress code. Something you've always been particularly passionate about, today was the day.
You needed an advisor for the debate, even though you were well known you didn't have a plethora of friends.

An idea came to mind, Shu Sakamaki. He isn't too involved with well anything, but you thought he'd be perfect. He wouldn't get involved but listen, and he seemed to be the only option.

You approached him during fourth period.

"Shu-san?" you asked. "Not going to fall on me again?" He asked eyes closed. "No, don't think so." You chuckled. "Bummer." His eyes opened to meet your e/c eyes.
"Is there something you need?" He asked.

"I need a small favor."

Once you told him all the details he detested it. "Please, I need an advisor."..."Ask one of your friends." he chuckled. "I don't have friends." You spoke in an embarrassed tone. "Seriously?" He asked meeting your eyes.

"Please, I'll do you a favor if you need. Homework anything."..."Anything?" He repeated. "Yes, Anything. Just please..." You pleased. "You're going to regret that statement, but I suppose I'll do it." He spoke placing his earbud back in, "Thank you so much!" You smiled continuing to class.


You stood at the podium, the entire school's eyes on you. Shu stood behind you being the advisor.

"Y/n L/n, start with your agrument." The competitor? a Male teacher. "I Y/n L/n find the school's dress code to be dehumanization of the female gender at this school." You began.

"Things that shouldn't be sexualized are, Shoulder's aren't sexual, leg's and arms aren't sexual. Now the other day it hit me, this school is run primarily by men." You turned to see Shu with a pleased expression.

"The constant degradation of girls just because they are female. Wear shorts? Your asking for it. Though men can go out shirtless and that's normal? Were not asking to walk around nude. But to be able to express ourselves without the constant oppression. Thank you." You smiled before the room filled with applause.

"Mr. Yagami anything to add?"

"No, she did a wonderful job." He smiled. You turned to see Shu with a smirk. "Y/n L/n, we will revise the student dress code. Starting next week." A voice spoke from a speaker. All you had worked for paid off, you then hugged Shu as you began to freak out. He stood with a smile, then wrapping his arm around you.

"I do believe you owe me a favor, y/n."


Thanks for reading <3

I have a Yuma Mukami and Reiji Sakamaki fanfic-!

(Both under editing, as this book is)

I have my original book called 'Merciless'


Words- 988


Diabolik Lovers Scenarios and One shots..&lt;3 (Boyfriend scenario's)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora