-Another question for you all.

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I have been working on an actual book for a while now. Using a similar concept to 'Diabolik Lovers' while making it my way and with different characters.
Out of pure curiosity, would you all like to read it? I've been debating on publishing it or not. Though I don't think it will get many reads.

I'm continuing to work on it, and as of now I'm writing this I have eleven chapters edited to perfection. I just wasn't sure if you'd all be intrigued by the idea.

Some may find it boring and fundamental, when others may find it enthralling and exemplary. I think it's good for my skill level which isn't too high especially writing and narrating-wise. I have several 'Fan-fictions' and actual books in the works but this one is the closest to being done, and I thought that the DBL fans may find it
to their liking, The main plot involves vampires.

I would like to know if you're all interested in giving it a read or two. I have found myself only wanting to read 'Fan-fictions' and 'Ruki x Reader' books so I understand if not, completely. We all can relate to y/n. ;)

The only similarities to DBL are vampire siblings and female heroin, though she isn't nearly as infuriating as Yui. I made sure of that.
Also, my little sister and I have a youtube channel, that's been growing lately called 'Diabolik cRack' spelled like so. If you are interested check us out on the videos above!...
Bye lovely's <3



266 words.

edited- 4/28/21

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