Diaboy's sexualities...(In my opinion <3)

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A/n: This is just my thoughts on the subject. Feel free to comment if you disagree.


Shu: Bi, But leans more towards women.

Reiji: Demisexual - Towards women

Laito: Straight but would be with a guy for the hell of it.

Ayato: Straight-

Kanato: Pansexual-

Subaru: Straight-

Ruki: Demisexual- Towards women

Kou: Bi- Yall see how he looks at Laito ;) But leans towards women.

Yuma: Bi- Leans towards men.

Azusa: Asexual-


Thanks for reading this one!

Fun fact im actually bi.

Also for those of you who don't know what Deminsexual is-
You don't feel sexual attraction to somone unless you really know them.

And pansexual you don't see gender you love everyone.<3

I have a Yuma and Reiji fanfic <3


127  words.

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