Kou x Hard-headed reader (Fight one-shot)

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You and Kou had been on the outs lately, you weren't sure why. However you both were constantly annoyed with one another, Kou's bandmates invited you to practice
Though you felt a little odd around him now, you decided to go.

Once they were finished rehearsing the seven songs on his new single, as he perfected the choreography you sat unamused. You assumed you had done something he didn't particularly care for, as did he.

"Y/n how was that?" Asked Levi the drummer. "It was excellent. Good job." You smiled as you stood. "Well, it's late I'm going to head home." Said Levi as he walked off the stage, then the others following.

"Come on." Kou motioned you out to the hearse.

You sat in complete silence, not one word had been said, you stared out of the window. Japan at night was beautiful and always caught your eye. "Y/n I think we need to talk." He spoke meeting your e/c eyes with his blue ones.

"What?" You asked. "We have been off lately, and I wanted to tell you why I felt upset." He said turning fully in your direction. "OK, feel free to go ahead. "You assured.
"I saw you kiss Levi on the cheek, and it upset me. No it didn't upset me, it made me feel enraged."...

"It was just a kiss on the cheek, nothing sexual about it.".

"What I want is for you to understand me Y/n, not invalidate how I feel." He scoffed. "Seriously? You can say that to me? Your constantly flirting with those girls at school and I never say a thing. Because once I did and you lost it.".

"Fighting fire with fire hmm?" He asked as he began to heat up. "It's not my responsibility to make you feel secure, Kou." You looked back at the window when he grabbed your chin forcing it in his direction.

"Your right, and it's not my responsibility to make you feel wanted." He said forcing your head back forcefully as he added a scoff. "Wanted? Seriously you're going to throw that in my face?" You asked feeling betrayed.

"Pick me...Pick me. Yeah, I guess I did." He growled.

You sat in disbelief and hadn't spoken but a word to him after he said that. Though he never meant to intentionally hurt your feelings, you both said things you didn't mean and things you'd eventually regret.


Once you got home you ran into your room and ran a bath, you sat with your knees to your head and wept, the thought that he could say such a thing so nonchalantly haunted you.

You finished up and laid in your bed, you longed for the feeling of him beside you. However, you were sure you were done forever.


He laid in his bed tossing and turning repeatedly the fight consuming his body whole, the things he said running through his head as he covered his ears with pillows.
Whispers repeated of all that had been said.


You woke up and got dressed for school, you decided you weren't going to be depressed but try to seize the day. You entered the hall closing the door behind you as you met Kou's luminescent blue eyes. You let out a cough and continued down the hallway. You weren't going to let him see you be upset.

Once the dreadful school day came to an abrupt end you crept back to your room feeling exhausted. You threw your backpack into the floor and laid on your bed, your friends hadn't gotten word about what had happened, and you wanted to keep it that way. You sat and began to reminisce of his crude words.

Tears rolled down your cheeks as you buried your head into the pillows.


He sat in the front room, aggressively tearing his way through a textbook. "I know you lack a common concept of others but that sound is blaring." Spoke Ruki placing his lips to the rim of the teacup. "Sorry-" He uttered placing the magazine down.

"Something wrong in 'Paradise'?" Yuma laughed.

"Hush, big boy." He scoffed slouching back. "Hey, you little ass-" Ruki cut him off. "You are all two centuries of age, act it please." He uttered placing his arm out with a book in hand to break up any or all confrontation.

"Though as Yuma suggested, something wrong with Y/n?" He asked genuinely curious.

"We had a falling out, to say the least." He placed his arm on the back of his head. "w-h-y?" Azusa stuttered. "We both said dreadful things, our relationship is screwed." He scoffed. "False, talk it out," Ruki suggested.

"Easier said than done."

"True, though I know for a fact whatever you said to her. You didn't mean." He said abruptly closing his book as they all three jumped. He stood to his feet. "Do it before she finds comfort in someone else." He added. "How do you know so much about this?"...

"Someone choosing someone other than you affects you forever." He disappeared.

"He's right, huh?" Kou asked. "Know that she's vulnerable you could have make-up sex." Yuma smirked. "h-m-m?" Azusa asked confused. "Nothing, Azusa."...
Kou stood as he began to walk to your room.


He approached your room and knocked on the door. "Come in." Your voice spoke aloud. He peered his head behind the door and met your e/c eyes with his electric blue ones. You sat up once you met his gaze. "Kou-Kun, why are you here?" You asked.

"To talk, we said awful things to one another."

You stood and walked closer looking up at him. "Go ahead, apologize." You uttered cockily. "I apologize? We both need to." He said confused. "You said worse to me, I deserve much more than an apology but this will do for now." You smiled.

"That's not how this works y/n.." He said meeting your eyes defiantly.

"If you're not ready to apologize, go on." You said opening the door, he quickly closed the door with a hand over your head. You slowly turned around to meet his deviant gaze.
"You piss me off so damn much." he ground his teeth.

"Deal with it." You said in a cocky tone.

You moved from under him and stood in the middle of the room. "Leave or apologize."..."Y/n that's not how this works and you know it." He yelled loudly. "You said more hurtful things to me, you started the fight in the first place." You yelled back.

"God I love you so much." He yelled.

"Then why are we fighting, hmm?" You asked annoyed. " I don't know why are we?" he asked walking closer then pulling your waist close to his and removing all space between your lips.

"Apologize." You added once he pulled away.


Thanks for reading.

I have a Yuma and Reiji Fanfic.

Along with my own original book 'Merciless.'




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