Reiji x Reader (Fight one-shot)

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Reiji had asked you to assist him in polishing his tea-sets. He said he'd allow you one day of studying that week if you helped, though if he wouldn't have shortened the studying you would have been delighted to help him.

There were almost a dozen intricate tea sets that sat amongst the cabinet in the dining room.

"Y/n, clean this one." He said handing you a red tea set with Kanji on the lid. "Ok, Reiji-san." You smiled as you began to clean the tea-pot then the cups.
You held the tea-pot in your hand when all of a sudden the door swung open, it startled you causing you to drop the tea-pot.

The pot landed on the ground shattering into a thousand pieces. Your eyes widened at the realization of what had happened, you looked up to meet an enraged Reiji's violet eyes as he began to heat up. "Y/n why must you not do a thing correctly? Why must you demolish all of any importance to me?" He growled.

"I'm sorry Reiji-san, it was an accident. I'll buy one to replace it." You assured softy. "It's irreplaceable, from the seventeenth century," he yelled. "I'm sorry, I had no malicious intent I promise." You said taking his hand into yours.

"I know it's irreplaceable, but is there anything I can do?" You asked teary-eyed. "The pot isn't replaceable, but you are. Get out of my sight immediately." He ripped his hand from your grasp as you stood for a moment in shock at all he had said.

"Go right now." His deep voice echoed.

You slowly walked to the door, you looked back at him to see him crouched on the floor looking at the broken pot. Once you were in the hall you fell onto the ground as you wept. You couldn't believe he would say such dreadful things so nonchalant, especially over a teapot.

You found it within yourself to walk to your room, you laid on the bed under the covers as you sobbed until eventually falling asleep.


It was the next morning and you awoke to the curtains closed. Reiji every morning would open your curtains so you could wake up to sunshine and be more motivated for the day's events following.

You sat up as you looked at your nightstand, Reiji would make you some chamomile tea in the morning so you'd wake. The nightstand stood empty.
It had hit you, he must have been utterly serious. He was genuinely upset over the teapot that was an accident.

Then attempting to find the strength you walked to the bathroom drawing a hot bath, you looked in the mirror to see your make-up running down your cheeks.
Your face was red and puffy from the constant crying. The same words, 'The pot isn't replaceable, but you are.' ran through your head for the entirety of your bath.

Oh, how you were dreading breakfast, though you knew if you didn't go Laito would most likely come and harras you over it. You decided not to change and stay home from school, you needed mental relaxation.

Once you arrived at the dining room you took a seat and stared at the plate. "Come on y/n hurry up." Said Laito nudging your arm. "I'm feeling quite sickly, I won't be attending school today." You stood onto your feet making eye contact with Reiji.

He didn't look bothered, he continued to finish his breakfast as you walked back to your room. "What's with Y/n?" Laito asked Reiji. "I don't know." He said looking down then bringing the glass to his lips.

You arrived in your room then crawling under the covers and lying feeling numb. Reiji didn't care about what he had said, you felt as his 'love' was extremely conditional.
As you laid on the bed, you thought over the fun moments with Reiji and how much your cherished them.

Then your door opened slightly, you opened your eyes to see Laito with a cup of tea as he approached the bed. You and Laito were especially close, you had similar interests and enjoyed each other's company.

"Y/n this isn't chamomille...I hope you still find it to your liking." He said placing the cup on the nightstand. "Thanks, I'm sure I will." You smiled. "Reiji-San keeps the chamomille in his office, I would have been dead if he tried that." He chuckled.

"Again, thank you so much." You grinned.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "It's nothing. I just don't feel all too well." You said bringing the rim of the cup to your lips. "I noticed Reiji-San was acting odd, and now you're sick?
It seems odd that's all." He spoke curiously.

"I think we broke up." You added.

His eyes widened in shock at the statement. "How? Why? I have so many questions." He awed in confusion. "I think he broke up with me, he told me I was replaceable." You said timidly.

"You have to know he didn't mean that."..."He seemed awfully serious." You spoke unsure. "When we were kids and we'd make something and want to show him since our mothers didn't care. He would always lash out of annoyance, when we would walk away upset he would always make us our favorite foods and ask to see what we had made." He said.

"He didn't mean that, it's just Reiji-San." He assured moving the hair from your face.

"Really? I broke a tea-pot."..."You broke a tea-pot?" He asked loudly in shock. "It was an accident, I got startled."..."Y/n Believe me, Reiji-san isn't evil or hard-hearted.
He just resorts to anger before all else." Laito assured than standing onto his feet.

"Let him come to you." He added then walking out of the room.

You sat digesting all that Laito had said. It made sense, on Valentine's day he came to once he felt bad. However, you broke something really important to him, even more, important than you are to him. He would never forgive you.


While everyone had been at school you sat in your bed not moving a muscle, thinking over what had taken place. You fell asleep a few hours later.
You woke up to Reiji sitting at the edge of your bed.

You sat up slowly re-adjusting your eyes when they met his violet ones. "Reiji-san?" You asked in shock. "Hello, Y/n..." He spoke looking at the floor. "Why are you-" He cut you off mid-sentence. "Please don't despise me." He said shakily.

"I don't 'despise' you..." You assured. "I am so sorry for what I said, you are not replaceable." He said looking at you, your e/c eyes met his violet ones.
"You are worth so much more to me than a piece of glass." He said moving the hair from your face as he admired your features.

You sat speechless unsure of what to say.

"Please say something." He said bringing his lips closer to yours. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Y/n." He said placing a small kiss onto your lips.
"Really?" You asked shocked.

"I can't imagine my life without you. Please don't make me find out what that's like," he said pulling your waist closer to him. "I forgive you..." You grinned with a small giggle. "I may not act like it sometimes Y/n...But I love you." He said cupping your cheek and meeting your eyes.

"I love you too Reiji-san." You then wrapped your arms around his waist, as he embraced you back.


Thanks for reading.

For those of you who are subscribed to my sister and me's channel, we have to re-upload or private some videos due to 'copyright' claims. Sorry <3 though we will continue to make videos.


1334 words.

Edited- 5/5/21

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