7 minutes in Hevean...(Kou)

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It was New years and the Mukami's were having a party..They had invited the Sakamaki's.

Laito suggested Seven minutes in hevean for a game and Kou also agreed..Then majority ruled causing us to play the game. Since Yui and i were the only girl's and Ayato
didn't allow Yui to play of course so it was all up to me. Everyone placed an item into Laito's hat Kou placing a checkered tie into the hat.

"Here you go Bitch-chan." He said holding a hat infront of me.."Fine." I said placing my hand into the hat...I felt around in the hat and felt a cloth i pulled it out..

"Ahh Kou is the lucky man!." Said Laito forcing me into the closet then Kou following...When we enetrered the closet and stood on opposite sides of it...
"Y/N is it a conincidence you picked my tie?" He asked in a cocky tone.."Yes it is..I didn't choose you on purpose." I said irritated."Well..I'll have to redeem myself Neko chan"
He said walking toward's me.."What?" I asked in pure confusion. When he stopped infront of me..He then ran his pointer finger along my neck then touching a spot that
caused me to flinch.."there it is.." He said lowering his head to my neck.."please..don't." I pleaded.."I can do whatever i want with you." he said then biting into my neck..

I attempted to push him off but he then held my hand's onto the wall above me..He then moved his head and i could see a small light from a crack in the door..He was
smerking..He then kissed me i attempted to pull away but it didn't work..I could taste my blood from the kiss.."Ahh Neko-chan how's it taste?" He asked.."What?" I relpied.
"From your worried expression...You got a taste hmm?" he asked.."It was awful."....He then kissed me again then biting my lip until it bled causing blood to run down my
chin and neck.."Ow...Kou that hurt.."..."It's suppose to." He replied before licking the blood from my chin and neck..When-

"Time is offically up!" A voice called before opening the door...It was Laito..."look's like somone busy..Should i give you some privacy?" Asked Laito in a cocky tone.
"No!" I said walking out of the closet...And into the hallway feeling almost faint..When i saw Kou follow and place an arm over my head.."Your mine Neko-chan." He said
then giving a itimidating look..Before walking away.."your mine?"..


Thanks for reading <3

I have a Reiji fanfic..I unpublished my Ruki one due to the fact..It was terrible so i'll be redoing it.


470 words.

Diabolik Lovers Scenarios and One shots..&lt;3 (Boyfriend scenario's)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora