Laito x Chubby reader pt.2

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A/N: I'm sorry if you aren't a "Pancake" but this story "you" are supposed to be <3

You had barely slept due to the conversation you and Laito had the night before..

"This is ridiculous...Can't he just tourture somone else?" You said walking to school..

You arrived and immediantly all eye's were on you..Everyone laughed and pointed when you stopped at your locker to see a rose and a small note..
You took the rose off and looked at the note...It read-"You owe me-Laito"...

"Seriously?" You said outloud before placing the content's into your locker..

Once you were finished you closed your locker to see none-other than Laito Sakamaki standing wih his back against the locker next to your's..

"Hello..Y/N..*nfu*" He said making eye-contact

"what do you need?" You asked annoyed.

"Did you get my present?" He said.

"Present?..Oh you mean the rose?..If so then yes i did." You said begging to walk away.

When you felt somone grab your hand..

"Your my girl-friend remember?" He said


"Yes..Y/N!..this is all your fault."

"I don't recall attempting reproduction in the library.."

"Just do it.." He said grinding his teeth.

"Fine..But you aren't to touch me.." You said moving your hand from his.



You both shook hands..Before going to first period.
The entire time people were laughing at you..Pointing whispering while pointing and all of the above.

Once class was over you walked out to see Laito and his "squad" hanging at his locker..He gestured to you to come over to him..
You nodded no..He then walked over to you..

"Come on Y/N.." he said about to grab your hand.

"I said don't touch me..Remember..?"

He then moved his hand and gave an almost pouty-look..

"fine..but if i feel even a little uncomfortable i'm leaving." you said.

"Ok..come on..*nfu*" He said motioning you to his friends.

You then walked over with him and he placed his arm around your neck..And you gave him a glare of doom, he then retracted his arm.

"Guy's this is Y/N..My girlfriend...*nfu*.." He said smerking.

"This is your girlfriend?...Out of anyone in the entire school?" A blonde man asked laughing.

"Yes...She is."

"Wow..Imagine being fat and a pancake at the same time..Pick a struggle." Said the blonde women from the library.

"I don't care about that..*nfu*.." Said Laito

"Lier." Said Ayato laughing.

"I think i'm going to go.." You said beginning to walk away when he grabbed your hand..

"Let's go together." He said walking away with you..

"I said not to touch me.."

"No one would believe it otherwise.." He said then letting go once we went into a different hall.

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