Laito x Chubby reader pt.1

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A/N: In this one Laito is a bully to you <3

You were walking down the hall's of school in your uniform and you were walking into your math-class. As you entered you noticed the group of mostly populaur kids.
Ayato and Laito Sakamaki and some nobody's that praise them..As you began to walk- "Is the floor shaking?" Said Laito making eye-contact with you.."Or is it Y/N"...
Everyone began to laugh at you..So you just ignored it and sat down in your ususal seat which was infront of Laito's seat.."I heard Y/N weighs as much as a small elephant."
you heard from behind you..

"Really?How is that possible?" Said a random blond worshipper.

"I heard so .." He said laughing.

You then turned around to face him..

"excuse me?" You asked.

"What?" He replied

"...If your going to talk to me..Do it directly.." You said then turning back around.

You heard everyone behind you laughing..

"Y/N certainly is something else." He said in a cocky tone with one eye-brow raised.

Once your class was over you were walking to the cafeteria for recess (basically lunch lol)..
You went through the lunch line..As usual grabbing a grey tray..

"Can i get a sand-" You were cut off..

"A salad for Y/N" Said Laito laughing.

"Here" Said the lunchlady placing a salad onto your tray..

"Thank you." You said walking to a table and sitting down..

You were sitting and began to eat the salad..As you didn't want to cause any trouble for the lunch-ladies so you just stuck with it.
When suddenly all the chairs around you were full of people including...Laito and Ayato and some random people you didn't really know.

"Hey's the salad?" He said laughing

Everyone also began to laugh..

"Serisously?...If your going to insult me do it properly and on something other than a second grade level." You said making eye-contact with him.

He then made an odd face which caused you indefinent confusion..Before whispering in a blonde-girl's ear and getting up with her..

"I have some buisness to attend to.." He said winking..

"How morbid-" You said under your breath.

All of his friends began to whistle and holler and so on and so fourth..So you decided to get up and go to the library as you were no longer hungry.
Once you arrived in the library you sat a table and placed ear-buds in and began to play F/S then sitting in silence..
You were listening to music when one of your ear-bud's fell out...You stood in annoyance for a second before picking up the ear-bud when you heard noises behind a shelf..

You quietly walked to the back of the library...When you saw Laito and the blonde-girl engaging in interesting activities.
Then immediantly covering your eye's and gasping..When you heard a chuckle and began to run out of the library..

"That was so...Awful the poor book's that have to witness what i just did.." You thought sitting in a stall in the girl's bathroom.

When you heard the bell ring for next period which was study hall...Which was in the library.
You got up and walked out of the stall and began to walk to the library..The only thing you could think about was what you had just seen.
And how you felt sick to your stomach..Beyond all of that you walked into the library and sat where you thought no-one could find you.
Which was at the very-far back of the library;

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