Christmas Reader x Reiji x Shu

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Holly hung from the door frames, and the window ceils. An unforgettble thirteen foot silver noble tree, dressed in ornaments and shimmering light's, that brightened up the once dim room. Candles were lit and your heart was a-flame. It was christmas in the Sakamaki household, and you were happily in love.

The brothers had mentioned that Shu had a raging disinterest in any holiday, so of course the decorating was all due to Reiji. You spent nearly a month finding the perfect gift for Shu, it was beats. Why did it take you a month? You couldn't find any that didn't look extremely obnoxious.

It was now christmas eve, Reiji planned an entire dinner. You picked out the perfect red slip dress for the occasion. You stood in the mirror admiring your dress and the way it fit (your body type, remember all are adorable <3) body perfectly. A sudden knock came at the door, it was Reiji.

The truth was, Shu hardly acknowledged you, forcing you to feel a constant void of lonliness. Reiji noticed this, during the christmas season he tried to make you feel good, and like you mattered to someone. During all of this, you fell for eachother.

"May I come in?" his head peeked through the door crack.

"Yes, of course." you smiled.

"Dinner is nearly ready." He spoke lingering closer.

The room alit with candles and holly, it was dream like, as so was he.

"I'm glad i'm finished then." you smiled.

His form stood behind you, you met eyes through the mirror.

"Y/n-" he began.

"I know, I know, but nothing can ever come of this. I love Shu."

You turned around cupping cheeck sincerely.

"My brother is a good for nothing deadbeat, he makes you feel like your'e nothing. He does not deserve you."

"And you do? last time I checked your'e making a move on his girlfriend." Your eyes began to tear up the smallest bit.

"Perhaps, you have a point. Perhaps my affection for you has clouded my very judgement." he took a step back, placing a small box into your palms.

"Dinner is at seven, Merry Christmas Y/n."

"Merry Christmas, Reiji-San." You uttered as the door shut.

It was now dinner time, Shu had said he was out for buisness but you assumed he had forgotten about a gift and hurried last minute. Reiji stood at the end of the table, glass in hand. "Everyone may I propose a toast?"

Shu walked in talking a seat beside you, and didn't say a word.

"Late are we?"

"Get to the boring toast, will you?" He scoffed as everyone stood.

"May this be a beautiful, and exiting Christmas Eve. To Yui and Ayato's newest addition to the family, to Laito's fiance, I can say this may be the best Chrsitmas off all. Cheers." You met eachothers eyes.

"Cheers." everyone smiled.

Once dinner was ready you all went to exchange one gift the night before. You sat on Shu's lap as he half fell asleep to the dreamy record playing. It was now your turn you waited excited. "Uhm, Y/n..." Shu began. " Yes, Subaru-kun?" you asked confused. "There doesn't seem to be even a present for you." He said feeling awkward.

Reiji met your eyes, he stood and walked off down the hall. You met Shu's eyes, he sat asleep. You began to tear up, it was now clear that he didn't care for you.
You stood walking off to your room, he woke up to the sudden movement and followed you.

He came behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. "Get off of me." you pushed him away. "What's your deal?" you chuckled. "What's my deal? Are you that much of a fucking asshole that you don't even know? Get the fuck away from me." you pushed his chest and began to cry.

"Your'e being ridiculous, it's a present."

"It's not about the present, it's about what the present represents."

"And that is?"

"My importance to you."

"It's a material item, it's not that big of a deal." he sighed.

"We're over, get out."

"Over a goddamn present?"

"Why were you gone in the city all day hmm? With some random girl because i'm not ready to have sex with you, was that it?"

"You're fucking ridiculous." He dissapeared slamming the door.

Your eyes met the small box on your bed, you sat and opened it to see a clock locket. One thing you and Reiji had in common was clocks, they reminded you of your grandfather. The inside had two small pictures you had taken of you both.

You walked down the hall to his room and knocked.

"Come in." his voice called.

You opened the door and he stood at his record player, you hugged him suddenly from behind, your face hugging his shirt. He turned around moving your face up to meet his. "You were right, i'm so sorry." you began to tear up.

"Don't be sorry." he held you tighter.

"Thank you for the necklace, I'm sorry but I didn't give you a gift."

"I believe this is my gift." he lifted your face to meet his as he placed his lips onto yours.

"Merry Christmas Reiji-San"

"Merry Christmas Y/n."


this one was a bit corny but so fun to write, i know it's been forever since i updated but im really trying to.
any suggestions?

also if there are any typo's- most of my laptop keys have decided not to work anymore so haha.

First edit- 11/21/21

published- 11/21/21

words- 939


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