Ruki's birthday. Ruki x Reader

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It was April 24th, the day you had awaited for a few months. You were going to throw your vampire boyfriend Ruki a suprise party.
Which sounds a little juvinile, but you thought he would know you cared for him. And to you that's all that matter's.

You had searched for two weeks for the perfect gift. Tried every book-store and jewlery store in-town and you were still unsure.
It was a week ago and you were walking past a store-window when you came acrossed the gift. A vintage pocket watch, you looked for an early copy of 'Moby Dick'
a book he enjoyed, but it seemed impossible.

Ruki was out of the mansion, due to Kou's deceit. You didn't know how he got him out of the house on his birthday for four hours. But in all honestly you never thought
to question it. You had Yuma hanging up the banner's as he could reach, Azusa was blowing up balloons and placing them everywhere. Kou was making a cake,
you were leary of his cooking skills but were too busy to be picky.

"Yuma-kun...It's a little um...crooked." you said hesitantly. "Who gives a fuck? Ruki-kun isn't going to give a shit about some party." he growled. "Y-u-m-a-k-u-n  d-o-n-'t-
b-e  s-o  m-e-a-n  t-o  y-n." he spoke. "Yeah whatever, hurry up with the fucking balloons." he yelled.

You walked into the kitchen to see Kou frosting the cake, it looked really nice. A white butter-cream frosting with white swirls on the top and bottom.
"Kou-kun...that looks amazing.!" you re-assured. "Why thanks...Hopefully Ruki-kun doesn't mind but the frosting is store-bought. I'm an idol not baker." he laughed.
"It's perfect, thank you for helping me put this together." you smiled. "Of course Neko-chan!"...

It was now an hour until his arrival and you were getting increasingly anxious. "Sow, I'm done with the hang things." he spoke annoyed. "Banners? And thank you for helping me with this." You grinned. "Just a small warning, Ruki-kun doesn't like things like this.".."What do you mean?" you asked concerned. "He doesn't like the attention
on him, thats why were forced to forget it each year. He'd kill Kou-kun if he knew he told you." He laughed as he walked off.

It's ok Y/n...It'll be ok, he is your boyfriend that will appreciate it right?..

"w-e  h-a-v-e  t-e-n   m-i-n-u-t-e-s." spoke a shy Azusa as he approached you. "Thank you for helping.." you patted his head as he had small grin. "Now, feel free to find a hiding spot in the mean-time." you smiled... he slowly walked off into the distance. You walked around the mansion taking one-last glance at it all, the cake and croquettes
you pre-pared. The presents and most importantly the sign stating 'Happy Birthday Ruki-kun!' you looked at it with a smile as you heard the door open.

You hid behind the couch as did Yuma and Kou beside you...You heard his foot-steps aproach you all three jumped out as did Azusa, "Happy Birthday Ruki-kun!" you all
yelled. He stood with a confused yet upset expression upon his darling face. You walked a little closer as he suddenly walked off into the hallway leaving an upset
feeling running through your body.

"Sorry y/n.." said Kou as he patted your back. "No, it's ok." you smiled as you walked off to his room. Once you approached the door you couldn't find it within yourself to
knock, so you walked to your room and sat at the end of your bed. Why did he act that way? Did I do something wrong? I thought he'd like it...You sat attempting to think
of what went wrong. It had been several hours as you laid on the bed unsure what to do...unsure what to say.

When suddenly a knock came at the door. "come in.." you spoke softly as Kou peeked his head through the door crack. "Kou-kun?" you asked confused.
"Y/n..I know he is acting odd, but I think he really needs you. It is his birthday." he added seriously..."Ok, thanks." you smiled softly. "Please...Make sure you do." he then left.
You stood up and slowly walked down the hall, approaching his bedroom door and placing a knock on it.

"Come in." his voice called from the door. You walked in to see him sitting on his bed with his elbows to his knee's, as his head met his palms. "I'm sorry." you spoke softly
with tears iny our eyes. "For what?" he asked slowly meeting your e/c eyes with his grey ones. "For throwing you a party, you clearly didn't want.." you stuttered.
"I'm not mad you threw a party, y/n..Infact it's quite flattering."..."Then why-?"..."I wanted to spend it with you..alone." he spoke as he stood and walked closer to you.

"I don't understand.." you spoke confused. "Y/n..I love you more than anyone, I have ever loved in my entire life. And that terrifys me." he spoke as he cupped your cheek.
"Spending time with you alone, Is the best present I could ever have." He spoke placing a kiss onto your lips. He then pulled away admiring your beautiful features,
your h/c (long/short) hair, Your (skin/color)...Your e/c eyes.. He was mistified by you.

"Thank you for throwing me a party..." he spoke sincerely. "You don't have to have a party if you don't want too.." You smiled. "I want too, especially with you." he murmered
as he kissed you once more. You both walked back into the party and you gave him the gift, he really liked it and even smiled. He ate the cake *barely tolerated it* he isn't a big fan of sweets but ate it anyway. He appreciated the balloons and banner's and mostly the pocket watch.

"Now y/n..It is my birthday" he smirked. You face plamed as he ruined the genuine happiness everyone was feeling,


Thank you all for reading this one. Happy birthday Ruki <3

I have a Yuma and Reiji Fanfic-!

Feel free to request.


1077 words.

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