When your drunk.

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A/n: I apologize for my recent absence, I have been quite busy. I may not have frequent updates, however, I'll try my best.


Shu: Your friends ended up taking you out for drinks, you and Shu were supposed to finish up some last-minute homework together as a study date. He waited for a solid three hours before drifting off to sleep.

His eyes suddenly opened from a mere sound of struggle, he stood glancing his eyes around the room. His eyes met an unconscious you amongst the floor, in aid he ran to you as his heart rate increased.

"Y/n?...What's going on?... Are you ok?" Then placing his pointer and middle finger onto your wrist to feel your pulse. With that a sigh of relief, he picked up your body placing you onto the couch, covering your body with a knitted blanket Reiji had kindly made for you for Christmas.

Twirling his fingers in your hair as you dreamt, he sat with a small grin. "I love you y/n.." He spoke turning your body on its side. "I love you, Shu-san." You murmured as a drop of drool left your mouth.

"Good night." He held onto your hand watching you sleep softly.


Reiji: Your boyfriend Reiji had been pressuring you recently. Unachievable standards for grades and even your goals for your life, you snuck into the kitchen taking a bottle of scotch then sprinting to your room swiftly. Before you knew it the bottle had reached its end.

The room began to feel a bit blurry as you fell onto the floor with nothing but a laugh.

Your door suddenly swung open to see Reiji with a confused expression, your body on the floor in a distressed state. "Y/n what is the meaning of this?" He asked harshly.
You couldn't do a thing but laugh. "Y/n." His eyes scanned the room to meet the bottle of scotch. His anger grew, as he walked closer.

Grabbing you by the legs bridal style then placing you onto the bed. "NO! I want to be free-" You spoke as you began kicking and screaming. Reiji then covered your mouth with his gloved hand. "Y/n...Calm down." through some exercises he got you to calm down.

"Go to bed, we'll discuss your punishment tomorrow."


Laito: Your boyfriend Laito had been gone all evening, which left you to be bored. Out of curiosity, you searched his room looking for anything hidden, a journal perhaps?
Through searching, you found a box of seasonal rum. "Fuck it." than drinking each one while coloring in a coloring book you also found.

Laito entered the room shocked by your presence, "Hello, My love." He smiled approaching your body. Meeting his green eye's in confusion, "Hey, Bbb-uuu-ddd-ddy" with a smile on your face. "Buddy? That's new," he added with a chuckle.

Suddenly you began to take off your clothes.

"Y/n, you are intoxicated." He said trying to help you get dressed. "No, fuck me Laito." You smiled. "Oh for god sake...I told you once I'll tell you again. I will not engage in such acts while your not in your right mind. I can't do that to you." He added sincerely.

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