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TW~ Roman's completely given up on living. He's just... done with it all. Depressed... broken.

"ROMAN!" Remus screamed out as the hunters all filed into the room. "ROMAN! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Roman didn't move an inch as Ryzan opened the cell door. He just sat there on the cold floor dead to the world. He was numb... empty. There wasn't a single thought in his head. All he knew was this void in his chest. His love was dead. The very light of his life... the being that gave his immortality any purpose... was gone. 

He had no reason to fight...
He had no reason to live.

"LET HIM GO!" Janus yelled out as he and Remus both tried to break through the cell bars, the silver burning against the wolf's skin. "LET ROMAN GO!"

"ROMULUS!" The hunters all jerked up except Ryzan who just smirked more at how Roman's eyes narrowed at the name. Remus was sobbing at this point. "Romulus, please. Please get up. Please do something."

"Romulus, huh?" Ryzan chuckled as she snapped and several hunters stormed in dragging Roman to his feet and making Remus freak out.


"I'm sorry, Remus." Roman didn't even look at anyone he just stood there letting the hunters basically drag him out of the cell. Ryzan's eyes filled with awe over the realization of just WHO she had in her cells and she giggled over breaking the great Roman Emperor Romulus himself. "I just don't have a reason to fight anymore."

"Take him for extraction. We'll take as much as we can from him. Might as well stock up before he dies, hmm?" Roman's lips curled up a bit, a broken smile, as Ryzan messed with his hair. "You're gonna be a good boy for us right?"

"What exactly am I going to do?" Roman whispered as Ryzan's smile only grew. "You took the love of my life from me."

"Oh, don't be so dramatic. He was nothing but a food bag for you. I ended his suffering."

"He gave my world light. His laugh... filled it with song. I loved him more than anything and now he's dead." Roman's eyes darkened as his eyes finally met with hers. "I have no reason to do anything anymore. You've won. Congratulations... You've officially beat the vampires."

"ROMAN DON'T!" Janus cried out as Remus just fell back onto his own cot realizing just how broken his brother really was. He wasn't even this bad when his family died. No... Roman loved Virgil THAT MUCH. He didn't just lose the friend the emo had become. He lost his brother right along with him. 

"Don't? Don't what? Do tell?" Janus growled as Ryzan just laughed but Roman just sighed and returned to staring at the floor. Ryzan snapped again as she gestured to the door and Roman found himself yet again being dragged off to nowhere. His eyes met with the door to the room his love was in and everything crashed as he spotted Virgil's body just dangling there. They didn't even unhook him from the monitor. They just left him.

"I..." Roman stumbled forward as one of the hunters shoved him on. He just fell into the silence letting them take over completely. He had given up entirely. "I'm sorry, My Love. I'm sure I'll see you soon."

He didn't fight them when they made their way to that oh so familiar room. In fact, while one of the hunters went to grab the key for the chains Roman sat himself down in the silver chair without the slightest push from the others. He just smiled sadly as they uncuffed him. He placed his hands where they were supposed to go, none of the hunters even bothering to force him or tell him what to do. They strapped him in and hooked the collar to the chains of the chair before stepping back to just stare at the broken vampire. Roman didn't care. If they drained him to death right then and there he would thank them for giving him the chance to be with his love again. 

Roman didn't struggle in the slightest as the one hunter that always did the extracting went for the needle. They were taking blood first. Good... Let them take all. Roman shifted his arm giving them better access to the veins in his arm as he turned away to stay off at nothing, feeling the needle press in. Actually... To be completely honest he didn't feel it at all. He was that numb. He leaned himself back against the chair completely lax as his mind dazed out. He didn't care if the collar was cutting into him. It was all pointless anyway. He couldn't feel it anymore. His heart had been ripped from his chest and burned right up in front of him. Virgil had become his reason to live... and now that was gone, strung up on display in that sick cold room. The heart monitor moments from his lifeless body as if taunting him with the memory of it flatlining. 

He just couldn't do it anymore.

"I'm so sorry, My love. Please forgive me." Roman didn't even feel his tears falling down his cheeks. Even if he did, he hadn't the strength to wipe them away anyway. "I couldn't keep my promise. I couldn't protect you. But at least... At least she was right about one thing... You're suffering is over." Roman smiled softly as he imagined his love there smiling at him. "And for that, I will be thankful. I hope... I hope you'll forgive me for this too, My love. But I never did promise you this... I'll be seeing you soon. I know I will. I just don't have a reason to fight without you."

"Jesus." One of the hunters walked into the room and cringed at the body just dangling there like a thing of meat. "Sometimes I do not understand that woman." She sighed and shook her head as she went about her business looking for everything she needed. As she went to grab something from the table beside the body she accidentally nudged him making her freak out thinking he had moved. She ended up tripping and falling into the heart monitor turning it on without her knowing. She pushed herself up and grumbled about all the cords she could have ended up tripping on had she not freaked about the body since the monitor was still all hooked up. "They need to get rid of it!" She rolled her eyes as she tried to go about her business only... to hear a beep.

Her heart stopped still as she slowly turned back around to see the monitor on a flat line just filling the space until... another beat. A blip in the reading that should not have been there. Her eyes narrowed as she slowly backed up away from the machine, her heart pounding in her chest. Another beep and she jumped only for arms to wrap around her chains digging into her neck from where the hands had been bound.

"Sorry." Her eyes bugged at the husky voice dripped with clear intent. "But I'm starving."

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