chapter 3

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Redness of rose, like

 the blood of the innocent.

The soft petals feeling like

the peacefulness of death.



The ride in the elevator was tense, nobody let out a single sound. We didn't know what to expect, still not really believing that this game is deadly. The door opened and we appeared in a blank room with two doors.




All of the phones pinged.

Your time limit for this room is two minutes"

A cute lolita poster was stuck on the Live door. A murky black illustration at the Die door. This is the game? I stood in the middle of the room, looking at everybody's perplexed expressions. I put my hands on my hips.„ So, which door are we choosing?" you questioned your „teammates„ and looked around.

„1 minute and 30 seconds remaining"

„It's obviously the Live door! The other one has literally Death wrote on it." Karube spoke confidently, his simple mind getting the best of him. However, I did see the waver in his stance and the nervous glances around the room. I gazed at Arisu, looking for the answer, but he was as jittery as everyone else. Nobody said anything, inspecting the situation we were in.

„30 seconds remaining"

Smoke started to come out of the floor, choking the group. „It's the Live door! Someone open it!" the older girl screamed desperately. At the moment I didn't realize that I'm gonna witness a death. No. A murder.

The schoolgirl shrieked, obviously in distress, and ran to the door. Shouts of the group were heard, warning the girl but it was pointless. She pushed the door opened, standing there for less than a second before the burning red laser demolished her skull. The thud of the body was heard and the horrified faces of my acquaintances are going to be forever burned in my mind.

Arisu shook his head and ran to the other door, his survival instincts stronger than the demise he witnessed. Karube, Chota, and the girl followed his lead. I stood in the same spot, the smoke painfully charred my lungs.

„5 seconds remaining"

„Y/n run!" Arisu snapped my thoughts from the deadly scene. My legs moved on their own accord, running to the rest of my group. Arisu reached his hand to me, ready to pull me in. I grabbed his hand in the last second, feeling the previous room getting engulfed in flames.

„You are crazy! You could have died there if I didn't pull you Y/n!" Arisu yelled in concern, a worried expression on his face. „These are not fucking games." I panted out, still shocked about the girl that dropped dead before our eyes. I ignored the robotic voice echoing around me.

„1 minute and 20 seconds remaining"


You finished the deathtrap without sacrificing someone again. Only Chota got his leg grilled, which was undoubtedly better than death. Because Arisu is crazily intelligent, remembering the length of the BMW in front of the building, we finished the game without further complications.

If someone is winning these bloody Olympics, I have no doubt that he would have a gold medal. Even though he is quite jumpy, when things go to absolute shit, he always finds a way to save himself. Save his teammates.

When we walked out of the building, we were met by a small table. On it was a playing card. Three of Clubs. It's the same card I had on my phone before the game started. I scoffed as Karube picked the card and analyzed it. 

„So we won a game where we had like 5 percent survival rate and this is the prize? If it was at least the whole set so we could play poker or something..." I said seriously, as dry humor was one of my coping mechanisms.

Nobody laughed. Sucks I guess.

Chota groaned in pain, barely standing on his legs. The burn was horrendous, flesh could be seen because of the absence of his skin. I crouched beside him, patting his back. On the other side was the nameless girl, since I didn't really bother to remember her it.

„There is a game master...Someone had to set these things up. And this card, Shibuki did you get a card too?" Arisu asked, turning to look at the girl apparently called Shibuki. She looked at him, her eyes glazed over as if she was reminiscing some painful memory. I wonder what game she played. Was it harder? More bloody?

Suddenly I didn't want to be there. These people, strangers, did save my life but would they save me again? Karube, Chota and Arisu were friends before appearing in this place and I don't think they would sacrifice themself for me. I felt sick. I craved control at that moment, the fact that I didn't save myself made me feel weak.

What I didn't know is that certain things are gonna appear in my life that would make me feel even more pathetic. A certain person.


I ignored the conversation Arisu had with Shibuki and started walking away from the scene. I heard their calls asking me what I was doing, but I was in my fantasy land thinking about the benefits of leaving these people for my sake. I wasn't naive, I knew the look Arisu gave me every time, his eyes glowing like Kuinas when they were on me. This was for the better.

I didn't want to get attached.

So I walked into the chilly night of Tokyo city alone once again.


shorter chapter but it has its purpose *winky face*

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