chapter 14 - flashback

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TW: author doesnt know how to write flashbacks


I sat on the wooden chair, the class bustling with laughter and gossip like every other ordinary day. My uniform uncomfortably sat on my 14-year-old body, the tie tugging on my neck. My head was leaned on my hand, my lips pouting slightly at the loud noise echoing around me. The teacher sat on his desk, completely ignoring the classroom, writing something on a paper.

It was like this almost every lesson with him, his unbothered stance to his job bringing joy on the students since they didn't have to do any work. I would be happy too if I had someone to talk to. I gripped the pencil in my hand tightly, knowing the only proper friend I had didn't even go to this school. Kuina lived in another part of the city, her father paying her to go to some prestigious academy, obsessed with making her his perfect „son„.

I scribbled the graphite on the white sheet, drawing the outlines of a face. Even if my specialty was graffiti, I still loved to do traditional art, finding it relaxing in the time of anxiety. As I was drawing, my mind focused on the conversation the girls in front of me had. They were giggling about some popular guy, the name foreign but familiar. I didn't really care about their chatter until something caught my attention.

„Yesterday he dragged the dirty Niragi to the canteen, the boy was almost pissing his pants from fear." the girls laughed before one of them continued the tragic story „He was squirming like a fish on land after Hirito grabbed his food tray and pouring the spaghetti over his head. Then he pushed him to the ground and walked away. That little perverted rat deserved it, he needs a good beating once a day."

I cringed harshly at the disgusting bullying Hirito did, the boy having no limits at times. Even though I didn't know who Niragi was, the school had about 3000 students, I felt pity for the boy. Nobody deserves that treatment, no matter what they did in their lives. Everyone needs love, or they become rotten from the lack of it. I sighed as the bell ringed, signaling the end of the day in the school institution.

I packed my things quickly, standing up with my bag and walking from the class swiftly.

The hallway was packed with other students, either walking in rush to their homes like me or just chilling with their friends. I ignored them, putting my headphones on and blasting Y/f song, it was a routine at this point. I wasn't hated in my school, actually, a lot of people knew about my existence, greeting me from time to time.

But I wouldn't consider them as my friends rather than just mutuals.

The sun hit my face when I stepped outside, the spring air hitting my face gently. Since I didn't attend any school clubs or did any activities in the afternoon, I ended up making my way to my apartment. The walk to the metro wasn't long, only around 15 minutes of my time wasted since the school was just on the outskirts of Tokyo.

The bridge that stood over a small river was already in my view, the entrancing music distracting me from reality. I stopped for a second, enjoying the sunshine reflecting on the moving water, creating beautiful patterns. Warmth spread through my body, wishing I had a camera with me to capture the groundbreaking sight.

A burst of sinister laughter interrupted my desires, echoing from under the bridge. I jerked my gaze to the source, seeing five figures standing in the hidden spot I often went to next to the water. My hand slid the headphones down to my neck, my senses trying to assert the situation at the familiar place. I quickly walked to the railing, looking over at the scene.

I recognized the school uniform immediately, the familiar crescent was on one of the boy's jackets. He was leaning against the wide and long pillar of the bridge, the red and white graffiti behind him giving him an artistic halo.

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