chapter 25

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The annoying chatter of the Beach members was heard around me, my ears already used to the overly loud players. Half of them were already drunk or hangover at the time of lunch, the addiction they created here tainting their brains slowly, rotting every nerve and vessel. But who am I to say anything about this topic, after all, I was the same not a long time ago.

The scolding bright sun burned the skin on my face, my closed eyes seeing orange and red tones, the blood in my eyelids see-through because of the light. I had my swimsuit on, like every other minute I spent here, of course, the attire rule not going around me even as a fresh recruit. I could feel few drops of the chlorine water land on my legs, the splashing the adult kids did in the pool sadly landing on everyone who was laying on the deck chairs.

I opened my eyes slowly, groaning at the pounding headache I had, the sleepless nights I had taken its toll on my whole self. A solid week and a half passed since the rooftop stargazing with Blondie, the embarrassing memories attacking me once again when I recoiled the forced hug I gave him, the broke wine bottle still laying on the wooden patio, nobody bothering to clean someone else's mess.

I grabbed the towel I had on my body, throwing it at my face roughly, blocking the devious sun that made me suffer even more than I already was. I didn't care if people thought I was weird, looking like I was suffocating myself in public for fun, the wet towel on my lips tasting very delicious for an unknown reason. The thing that was truly bothering me was the fact that we didn't talk to each other, me and Blondie, after the drunk act that happened under the sky.

And honestly, it didn't move me that much, his avoidance of my existence definitely not hurting my feelings. Every time I would catch his eye in a hallway or dining room, Chishiya would swiftly turn around from my gaze, or when I would call out his name, he would just shake me off with some vague negative response. Yeah, it definitely didn't feel like he stabbed me in the thigh he healed once every time he would be ignorant to my approaches. Nope.

So after that, I gave up, realizing that Chishiya was still the cold and unfriendly man like the first time I saw him, being nice to me only when he knew I was Kuina's best friend in distress, and she would probably kill him, snap him in half as I said before, if he didn't help me in this shitty world. I thought that maybe...Maybe we were friends, or at least on talking terms, the endearment he called me bugging my mind.

Clever girl. The two words said with his usual smirk.

Fuck him.

If he actually thought I wasn't stupid, he wouldn't ignore me or avoid anything related to me and would normally talk to me like two intelligent people do. So with that, I started to reappropriate his malicious favor, too indulging in the act of disregard, just trying to enjoy the benefits of Beach without being caught up in some stupid drama that a man created.

Before I could really dive deeper into my thoughts, a hand touched my shoulder unexpectedly, flinching at the unknown contact and getting the wet towel away from my face lazily. I blinked harshly again, the silhouette in front of me being light up with the hot sun, looking like the God himself, just standing in front of me with two hands against their hips in a scolding way.

„Y/n, I was looking all over the mansion for you!" Kuina started, a humourous tone in her voice as she looked at the fabric that was no longer on my face. „Well okay, I will ignore that um-, relaxing position you were in." she continued, while I just smiled stupidly at her since the last time we saw each other was yesterday. At least I have Kuina, even if I could feel a slight gap between us, we were still the same pair we were as teenagers, the childish jokes and talks continuing even after the few years of our department.

„Did you see Chishiya today? Or Niragi?" my friend asked before she sat on the chair under the colorful umbrella next to me, still nibbling on the cigarette-resembling stick. Ah yes, Niragi. Me and him exchanged a few words, but nothing special and also only in private where no one was seen. He did have to keep that ugly, psychopathic reputation he created here, me discovering earlier this week that everyone knew what person he was and what he was capable of doing.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now