chapter 6

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The platinum-headed boy went straight to the elevator, pushing the seventh button and going to the highest floor. He found it amusing really, seeing those new people squirm out of fear. He exactly knew what this game has to offer since he played similar games like this too often.

„Unoriginal." he sighed as the door opened revealing the bland hallway. He slowly walked to the corner, taking his time. He leaned against the railing, blonde hair dancing with the wind elegantly. He slightly opened his mouth, scanning the anxious players, as if they were mere actors in a comedy.

„Everyone looks like they are about to die, as usual..." he smiled, nodding his head in amusement at his own statement.


I went into the game arena with Arisu, the nonstop talking man, and an agitated looking Karube.

„Why are you following us?" Karube asked, clearly skeptical about the mustache man's presence.

„I'm scouting you guys, perhaps you could be a good addition to my team. Especially you" he pointed at me „believe it or not, pretty faces like yours are quite important. Good for manipulating players." he sent me a wink and a grin.

I wanted to grab the gun in my belt and shoot him till I run out of bullets.

But I bit my tongue, saying nothing and focusing on the game. We walked, opening some doors but to no vail. There were about a hundred of them and we hardly had the time to open them all. I sighed, the guy talking about his life before the games. I was in front of the group, just descending to the floor below when we heard a gunshot.

The dead men's body rolled down the steps, landing right in front of my feet. I gasped, immediately hiding behind the mid-wall. I shushed the panicked mumbles behind me and peeked my head to see the killer.

There were three things I noticed.

A tall person, a horse mask and a very deadly gun pointing right at me.

Shots rang around me, barely missing my very intelligent head. The men behind me started shouting and running down the stairs, pushing each other. My legs moved in an instance, the gun in my belt feeling uncomfortable.

The goofy-looking bitch with a gun was chasing us, acting as if he was the one about to die. When we were on the fifth floor, I pushed the two familiar men down to the hallway. If someone is about to die, it's going to be the annoying dude.

He didn't notice we went our way, leaving him alone and probably dead. We cramped up in some hole made in a wall, covering our panting bodies from the view. I was practically hugging Arisu, my head on his shoulder. The horse guy stopped in our hallway, looking for us a bit longer than a normal person.

He doesn't see. His mask restricting his vision. That could be helpful.

Of course he didn't spot us, too dumb to actually go further to look for us. He turned around going to the fourth floor, still chasing the poor guy.

„Are you okay? You almost died." Arisu asked, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me gently to the hallway. Before I could answer, other gunshots were heard. A girl shriek followed. I closed my eyes, knowing that another player was down.

„I'm fine, what we need to do is find the safe zone." I grabbed my phone from the back pocket of my jeans, the numbers indicating that it is 14 minutes until the building blows up. Just when I said it, a tall buff guy with a lankier one wearing a bandana came to our floor.

„You two, go help us take the tagger out" his eyes on my two partners, saying it like it was already a deal. I reached for my gun slowly, debating if I should say I have it. But then I noticed an interesting thing.

Both had handmade bracelets with a number on them. The same the mystery blonde had.

So they are a team? I mean the gun squad is probably part of them too and that's a problem. They kill.

So with that conclusion, I didn't say anything about my friend tugged in my pants.

The guy's eyes went to me, scanning me mockingly as if I was a 5-year-old. Luckily he didn't notice the gun and went down the stairs, expecting Arisu and Karube to follow him. Arisu looked at me, his head nodding at me, asking for permission.

„Go, I will try to find the safe zone," I said, my hands crossed. And so they went down, leaving me standing in the white hallway. I sighed, my heart painfully beating in my chest. I turned around and started opening the doors, looking for the safe zone.

 What I didn't know, was that certain someone stared at me the whole time, his eyes twinkling in curiosity.


Chishiya Shuntarō didn't find many people interesting, the few humans that met his high standards were quite lucky. He isn't naive, even though he dislikes social interaction, he still knew that people are needed for his survival. Most people in this world used strength to win, only some used their brains. That's where his best quality takes place. Manipulation.

Even the intelligent like Arisu submit to his lies, compelling them to be his puppets and do his deeds.

Chishiya was indeed clever, maybe even the best player in the Borderlands. He knew things, he noticed details, solved puzzles most people don't even see. He was a cocky bastard, not hesitating to sacrifice the lives of others for his own benefit.

As he was leaning against the cold railing, the bloody scene on the second floor not bothering him, his eyes founding their way on the hooded person.

It was the figure he saw that night when they went for supplies, Niragi chatting his head off about the lack of knives. They always ended up stabbed in some dead body, him not bothering to cleaning and reusing it.

At that time he didn't really care about the figure in the shadows, thinking it was some Beach member coming back from a game. But then the moon shined on their face.

A quite attractive face. An Unknown face.

He lied about hating human interactions. Even with his cold attitude and passive socializing, ladies seem to like him. He knew he wasn't the ugliest, using the fact to manipulate people even more. No regular member of Beach knew how dark he actually was. With their ignorant brains, they don't bother to notice those cunning sharp eyes, waiting for someone to fall for his mind games.

So when he saw them again at the lobby, squirming under his gaze, his sudden lust for control came to the surface.

He smirked as he remembered the first time he saw Kuina, her knowing about his intentions right away. That's actually when he made a first half-friendship. Even with his loner behavior, he still needed someone to back him up, to have an ally. Kuina was the best choice. Her skills in martial arts combined with her loyalty made her a perfect candidate.

He came back from his thoughts and looked at the unknown figure again, their frame moving and opening doors. Suddenly they stopped, sensing his gaze on them.

Chishiya wasn't embarrassed that they caught him staring, actually enjoying the power he had just by merely looking at somebody. As their eyes made direct contact, he raised his hand from the railing and waved at the figure with a smirk.

Unfortunately for him, his target just raised their eyebrows, sending him a questioning look before showing him their back and ignoring him completely.

He grimaced, his eyes never leaving the fourth floor.

„Huh, that's mean." 



𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now