chapter 26

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„Chishiya!" I called out his name, finally coming to stand a few metres in front of him, the corner wall not hiding me anymore. He glanced at me, not even stopping or stiffing at the sight of me, still walking slowly in my direction. I put my hands on my hips and frowned, actually being concerned about his nonchalance behaviour, no matter if he likes me or not, he has literally been stabbed and is suffering from heavy looking bloodloss.

I sighed and quickly strode up to him, blocking his path with my body, my mind running at full speed. Who would do something like this? Don't they know that traitors are killed and stacked up in the garbage bin behind the mansion? Well, the only thing I knew is that Chishiya needs help now, not caring if he is going to be cooperative or not. 

He finally stopped his walk, his head directed to the floor, his platinum strands of hair that were covered in spots of blood falling down, not seeing his face. „What the fuck happened?" I asked him, completely baffled by the absurdity of the situation, not expecting to talk to Blondie for the first time in this week in a state like this.

He snapped his head to look at me at the question, his eyes even more narrowed, the glare he holds deadly. „Get out of my way." Blondie said immediately, his tone of voice surprisingly not that harsh, sounding quite tired. I scoffed at the stupid proposition, knowing full well that he wouldn't make it even to the second floor if he went alone, my arms crossing my chest now.

„No." I simply said mimicking his vague way of talking, coming closer to him and lifting his arm forcefully to put it on my shoulders. I heard him groan, not at the pain but at the fact that I was physically touching him, the man being the epitome of socially unavailable. I ignored his not so vocal protest, fully knowing that he is probably dazed by the lack of body fluids, feeling his blood already on my clothes and shoulder.

I knew where to go, Kuina telling me earlier during the stay in Beach about the medic office, where supposedly Ann spent most of her time, her profession being some special scientist, forensic I think. I didn't really know how she looks like, hopefully, she would be there to help Chishiya with his little problem.

Gosh, that sounded weird.

So with that, the journey of hallways and a lot of stairs begins, dragging the wounded cat with me.


Well, that was fucking horrible. We walked for solid 10 minutes to the first floor, the usual time it would take wouldn't be even a minute. People stared at us, whispered like the first time I came to Beach, but who would blame them? Blondie was literally bleeding out in a place that everybody thought of as safe, the wound also created on the long-haired guy that everybody took as the untouchable shadow. If that happens to him during daylight, what about the common crowd?

The players got out of our way, some group of girls screeching at the sight of gore, but still, nobody came to ask me what happened or help me. In some way i was glad, knowing that Chishiya wouldn't like even more people assisting him, understanding that he was in vulnerable state that he didn't want to share with anyone really.

I really admired him at that moment, his body still held high, sobering up a little bit at the walking we did, not peeping even a sound or a groan. Maybe he is still high on adrenaline, not really consciously registering the pain yet or maybe he just planned to get stabbed and took five pills of painkillers before it happened.

Can't get anything past the man in my arms.

In the end, we came to a heavy-looking door with a little window at the top, seeing that inside it was white and fully equipped with medical appliances. I stopped my stride and turned my head to look at the silent Chishiya, the hair falling down in his face again, creating a blanket of unknown. „I need to open the door with both of my hands." I told him simply but in a gentle manner,  even with his mean glares he sent me, I still cared about him. Maybe too much for my liking.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora