chapter 11

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I sat down on the couch once again, the overwhelming thoughts plaguing my mind.No matter how hard I try to not think about this unbelievable man, he always pops up again with his stupid smirk. He didn't even try to seduce me or manipulate me, and still, I fell for his unintentional traps. I really should pull myself up and at least try to act tough rather than being flustered as the schoolgirl I once was.

Chishiya was washing the bloodied equipment, the water coming from god knows where. His face was uncovered from his hair, the man bun still steady at the back of his head. I looked around the room, trying to distract myself from what's going to happen next. Will he kick me out? Let me sleep on the couch? My leg tapped at the repeating questions anxiously.

The sound of the water stream stopped, the only clattering of metal was heard after. A pair of feet shuffled for few seconds, the drawers were being opened and closed. I tapped my foot even faster, knowing that one of us is going to have to speak up first. Chishiyas ruckus suddenly stopped, only the tapping and my hard breaths were echoing slightly in the half-empty room.

„If you keep doing that with your foot, you are going to make a hole in the floor," Chishiya said amused, seeing Y/n be so nervous for no apparent reason. I snapped my head at him, his stance was leaning against the table, his arms supporting him. He looked at me with a seemingly entertained face.

My eyes hardened, stopping my foot and scowling in his direction. I stood up slowly, my weight leaving a slight dent in the couch. „So, what should we do now?" I asked him as casually as I could, not wanting to be left in the chilly street of Tokyo. Blondie glanced at me, putting his hands in the pockets of the hoodie and straightening up.

„The bathroom is behind the white door, food is in the third cabinet," he informed lazily, turning his back on me and walking to his supposed bedroom. He opened the door, me still not knowing what he wants me to do. Chishiya stopped in the door frame, turning his head to me, only the boy's profile showing.

„Do whatever you want, just don't get hurt again because I am not fixing your clumsy self the next time." the blonde-headed bitch said, before waltzing into his room and shutting the door loudly. My mouth was gaped open, as I stood there stunned by his another infuriating interaction with me.

I closed my eyes, sighing loudly and looking up, praying to God that I will survive this night. My stomach gurgled, the last meal I had was that very not nutritious cup of ramen. I looked to the cabinet where the food should be stored, before walking to it without thinking. I realized too late that I was handicapped at the moment.

So as I put too much pressure on the stabbed leg, it crumbled under me causing me to fall straight to the floor. Luckily my hands aren't paralyzed and they raised in front of my body, gentling the drop. A sharp pain went through my wound, my palm instantly grabbing the injured thigh. „I'm okay!" I yelled out to Chishiya, embarrassed that this happened.

I pulled out the tight-lipped smile when I didn't hear any alerted sounds coming from his room and stood up again. This time I actually connected my head to my movements, successfully coming to the granite counter. This was probably a bar before Chishiya changed it into his bungalow.

I opened the cupboard, finding at least twenty cans of vegetables, a few MREs, condiments, sweets, and... Alcohol, quite a lot of it. „Interesting choice of stock Blondie" I mumbled to myself, finding it fascinating that this human could get drunk and probably act silly.

Without any hesitation in my mind, I snatched the bag of chips and opened them greedily. Healthy eating habits were non-existent in my life, mostly enjoying junk. I put my hand in the packaging, taking few chips and shoving them in my mouth.

Life does really fucking hate me.

Chishiya opened the door at the same moment as I chomped on the potato slices, both of us ending up in quick intense eye contact. He raised his eyebrows at the girl whose nose was in his food supplies, not expecting to see her in that comprising position. Y/n did remind him of Kuina a lot, recognizing the reason why they had such a powerful connection. It hardened his desire to make her his companion.

„What?" I glared at him, wondering why he was so surprised to see me do what he initiated me to do. He raised his hands in surrender, a slick smile on his face, before walking to me and stopping few inches away from my form. He looked down at me as if I was a mere puddle on an Autumn sidewalk and pointed down to the cabinet.

„Move," he commanded simply, me following his words in an instant. He crouched down, before rummaging through the supplies. His right hand was gripping the countertop, the veins becoming more prominent. I gazed at his hand, the shining bracelet with the number 005 still on his wrist. My hand clenched, looking at his head full of hair again, noticing that the little bun is already gone.

„You really don't have to creepily stare at me every chance you get" his voice went through the air, scanning the back of a food product with his eyes. He then grabbed it, stood up to his full height, and placed it on the counter. His torso was turned to me, his right elbow leaning against the counter now. I took it as a signal to ask my burning questions.

„What does the bracelet mean? The number? Are you part of a group? I've seen the other two men have the same-"

„Shut the fuck up" Chishiya gritted through his teeth, his head pounding during the night as usual. Even if he loved sleeping, the only time where he could have his peace, he still had intense insomnia. He just couldn't sleep a lot, only getting about an hour a night. His brain painfully fought this disorder, and that's why he went to the kitchen for some painkillers and snacks.

„Excuse me-"

„Jesus, I am part of a group of around 250 people, everyone wears the goddamn friendship bracelet so we could recognize each other. The number on it means nothing to a non-member. To you."

Chishiya finished his monologue, not trying to hear her irritating voice again. Something about it reminded him of his mother. He didn't really need the memories again. They could stay deep in his brain, just where they belonged. He looked up to Y/n again, finding his outburst unusually out of his character. But his feelings were far from regret, no apologizes coming out of his mouth.

I gaped at the worn-out looking boy, swearing made him way scarier than normally. I really wouldn't want to be someone who he hates, his enemy. I finally rolled my eyes, the information he gave me not really answering things I didn't know before.

Blondie took my silence as a queue to ignore my presence once again, turning his back to me and snatching a bottle of painkillers with his hand. I noticed them before, not really surprised that he had these in a deadly Utopian world like this one. I looked down again, the awkward silence suffocating probably only me.

The big hole in my jeans with huge red-stained spots wasn't the most aesthetic, the build-up sweat from physical activity and the anxiety burning my nose slightly, cringing at the thought that he probably smelt that. A wonderful idea came to my mind.

„Wait Chishiya!" he stopped his way back to his room, turning to me again. „Can I shower?" I asked seemingly nicely, but from the frown that appeared on his face, my tone probably was more demeaning than it was meant to. His mouth opened slightly as he rolled his eyes.

„You can, but don't take long I still need some water to make myself a cup of coffee in the morning." That was all that was said before he disappeared. I was just happy that he agreed to my proposition, ignoring his subtle offensive comment, and went carefully to the bathroom, wanting to finally feel clean.



𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now