chapter 21

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There was a comfortable silence between the two players, only the wooshing of air from Chishiya turning yet another page in the book and Y/n's tired breaths hitting the metal frame was heard. For both of them, it was the first time they felt comfortable in a long time, even if they didn't realize their effect on each other, it was still there.

Both of them were stubborn and twisted beautifully in different ways. They are the only ones that can decide if their similar traits were a problem or a connection.

„I am wondering why are you still standing by the door and not beside me on the bed." Blondie spoke up, his eyes scanning the words in the now right-side-up book. My head jerked to him, his brave offer truly shocking. I contemplated my choices before I straightened up and closed the door, the room considerably darker now.

There was still the light from the lamp, but it was dim, the atmosphere becoming more mysterious. I padded my way to the bed, standing beside it motionlessly, not knowing how to approach this situation. Chishiya slowly looked up to me and raised one eyebrow, patting the other side of the bed, encouraging me to come to lay down.

I followed his command, my body landing on the white sheets slowly, cautious of Blondie's unpredictability. I looked straight up to the ceiling, my hands on my belly, fiddling the Chishiya's cozy hoodie. „Why so stiff?" he whispered, his eyes glancing at the length of my body.

Well, that was a stupid question. He, literally the most decent-looking guy I have ever met, laying next to me tipsy, only a few inches of space between us. The unknown tension could be cut and served on some big ass wedding, slowly drowning me and my heart.

I glanced at him with a glare, before straightening up, leaning my back on the headboard attached to the bed.

Chishiya was undoubtedly confused by her tense behavior. He thought that if he got a little bit loose and drop his coldish stance she would warm up to him. Humans were so fucking confusing to him, the blonde-headed player not even trying to understand their erratic actions. That's why he wondered why he had such an inkling to know Y/n's emotions...

He hm-ed, before he stood up, leaving the book on the bed and going to the dresser, wanting to wear something more comfortable. „Can I join the Beach?" Y/n asked sternly, the tone of her voice suggesting that she was impatient.

Chishiya opened the cabinet rummaging through it while answering lazily. „You could..." he grabbed a white T-shirt „but you cannot leave." he finished simply, not bothering to explain that they would kill her if she decided she doesn't like the place. He didn't want to scare her away from the trap he planned from the first time he saw her.

„What do you mean I cannot leave?" I asked, not understanding the crypted underlying message. Chishiya was silent for few seconds, grabbing a pair of grey sweatpants and closing the cabinet. „When you become a member, you have certain responsibilities. Play games, bring the won cards to Hatter, and never betray him." he didn't answer her question, rather distract her with new information.

I stayed silent at his response, contemplating my choices. It didn't seem harsh at all, the rule with the traitors reasonable for this place. Kill enemies was the motto everyone goes by in here, would be a shame if they didn't apply that on the Beach.

My curiousness about the duo I have seen in the library got more intense, I wondered in which position in the Beach's hierarchy they were. But then again, if they are the game masters, why are they in the group? Are they spying on the players? But that means they have someone even higher above them, the makers wouldn't be physically present in this world.

It all seemed fishy.

I looked at Chishiya, about to say my definite agreement about joining his group, but that man was already out of the room, leaving nothing behind him. Do I always think about things for so long or he just left the moment he knew I wasn't looking at him? A tight lip smile appeared on my face, wanting a proper conversation with him in the future.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now