chapter 48

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Black. Everywhere. Absolutely nothing.

Now, I would never complain about a piece of quiet and harmony, hearing and seeing, well, as I said, absolutely nothing. But, it felt different. You know the feeling when you are laying on your back, staring endlessly at your ceiling till you start to see the stars? There isn't a window or a hole, it's just a white layer of cement, simple and uninteresting.

But still, you could stare for hours and hours, creating images that are only in your head. Like a projector.

Slowly, goosebumps start to appear on your skin, feeling a slight touch of the shadows that lurk in your room. Your head feels big and heavy like it's about to implode with the slight flashes of white light. You do not understand, the sensation of being in a climax of tension edging your mind, the only thing you can do is to just survive it.

Suddenly the imagination turns into something that holds you down, pinning you in one position.

At least that's how I felt right now, as the nonstop pounding plagued my insides, the few moments of bright shine gently but so roughly alluring me to come with it. There were no thoughts at first, but as I slowly started to feel the numbness of my fingers, and feel the heat on my temple, I knew there was something terribly wrong with being dead.

And yes, I thought I was in the afterlife.

But who wouldn't, as the soft peace that once I floated in felt unreal, totally submerged in the idea of being unalive. And maybe, for a few splits of atoms, I was dead, but then again that's just a theory that bubbled in my mind as I twitched with my finger. Also, the annoying voices that seem to not like each other, like 2 devils on both of my shoulders, even furthermore deepened the migraine.

Would they shut up?

The bickering was, well, not insanely loud, but as I finally could willingly move my hand, the senses getting stronger like if I was pumped with vampire blood, it became irritating. The few flickers of light slowly became a big sun, just in the middle of my constricted vision, my eyes shutting even more tightly as a groan came from my mouth.

„It was your fault. Why would you even pick the fight in the first place Shuntarō?"

It was a female, that I was sure of. Something flickered at the back of my brain, but I couldn't seem to remember. But the name, the name did ignite something within me I recognized

„Don't call me that."

A voice. A silky one. The tone wasn't aggressive as it was in the void, it became clear and calm as if it knew the wonders of the Earth. My eye twitched in perfect sync with my shoulder, only slightly though, as I still didn't have enough power to actually fully move it.

It seems like the woman was silenced and dumbfounded by the bland man, while I just tried to move my leg, the darkness still caressing my eyes. There it was though, the almost unfelt touch on my temple, the sizzling pain making me scrunch up my nose, but it was meek, as if my neurons didn't function properly.

I needed to just-, wake up from whatever this is. Now.

„I knew you were there, I can see the guilty look on your face An."

As my ears caught the name, the pieces of my memory came back like a wave, images of the strict-looking woman clad in her feminine sunglasses and red painted lips did bring the energy I once lost. But Shuntarō, the name seemed oddly foreign, confusion settling as I just couldn't put a finger on the identity of the man.

I needed to know. Something begged inside of me to open my eyes and see it for myself.

The light was insanely bright, right in front of my face uncomfortably, my eyes blinking harshly as I gasped for air. I pushed up, swam from the dizziness, and emerged from the dark waters for oxygen, or in this case consciousness, breathing heavily as the scenery felt overwhelming.

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