chapter 24

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TW: 3000 words :(

„Do you really think this is a good idea?" I asked Kuina after she knocked on Chishiya's supposed room the third time, no sound coming from the inside. She turned around hastily, for some reason having a confused look on her face, something puzzling her mind. „Yes, but I expected him to be in his there. I mean he doesn't have any other frien-"

„What are you two doing here?" a calculating voice was heard behind us in the hallway, my head turning to the source immediately. There he is, standing with his hands in the pockets, his head tilted to the side slightly. He now wore his swimming attire like me, our matching jackets still on though.

„Um-" Kuina started, looking at me and back at the blonde-headed man with wide eyes before she coughed and continued. „Visiting our friend?" she said hesitantly, the eagerness she had with her idea in the club gone in an instant for no apparent reason.

He scoffed and looked down at the floor, his hair falling down at the motion before he walked to his door with a sigh. We stepped back from his hurling figure in seconds, his whole Chishiya self still intimidating, not wanting to anger him in any way.

He took a card from his pocket, his elbow grazing my stomach slightly at the movement, but he didn't even properly notice as he swiped the little piece of plastic through the scan besides the door handle. His hands roughly opened the door, not closing it behind him as he strode into the innocent-looking room.

I peeked my head inside as if entering his kingdom was the highest crime you could do, the clean and organized space fitting his character. There wasn't much to look at, the table was half-empty, the bed was neatly made and the rest of the room was bland. I analyzed it for a few seconds more, not believing this is actually how he lives normally.

Where does he keep all of his secrets?

„Y/n, this is the third time you are just standing in the doorframe, looking at me like a psychopath." Chishiya's voice echoed around me, snapping me from my daze once again. I didn't even realize that Kuina slipped into the room, already sitting on the bed, a deck of playing cards placed in her slim hands.

I let out a ummph sound, the alcohol making me dissociate from reality for a moment, not really registering his words correctly. That last margarita was truly unnecessary, my mind already dizzy. I blinked my eyes at Blondie, while his eyebrow raised in amusement but also irritation at my unstable state.

Chishiya let out a deep breath, rubbing his nose with his knuckle, annoyed at the girl. He thought this is going to be insanely easy, bring her into his room, talk, play some stupid board games as a sign of interest in their friendship and recruit her into his team without Y/n even ever knowing.

He specifically told Kuina to not let her get completely wasted, Chishiya not knowing how she acts under influence of alcohol. And yes, Y/n wasn't completely gone but he hoped that her cognitive abilities are going to work fully, rather than having a giggling little monster on his neck, his plan having a worse success rate than he thought.

He ignored the way he called her in his head, not wanting to indulge in his own unwanted complexes before he stood up and walked over to Y/n's dazed figure. He snapped his fingers in front of her smiling face multiple times, her head finally looking up at him lazily. Her eyes were big and glossy, Chishiya frowning at the look on her face for an unknown reason, putting his hand on her shoulder gently. He dipped his head down to her ear, knowing his close-spoken words had an effect on her in the past.

„How about you go sit on that bed where Kuina is hm?" Blondie whispered to me, his breath hitting my neck slightly. The strands grazed my bare shoulder, his close proximity dangerous to my vulnerable soul. I groaned as his hand on my bare skin pushed my body into the room forcefully, Blondie's touch disappearing as he closed the door behind us.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now