chapter 43

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It was quite weird if you think about it, how deep I have fallen for the boy laying next to me, but still, his soft breaths made me motivated to climb higher than ever. I wanted to feel him on my lips again, the bittersweet taste reminding me of his mind, a combination that is either addictive or completely wicked to the core.

As the feathers fell down, gliding gracefully in the air as if in slow-motion, my pupils intensely focused on each one of unique quills. Some were small and soft looking, one of them landing on my nose, tickling the already flushed skin. But others were harsh and big, descending down faster because of their heftiness. Physics cannot be tricked.

I could feel Chishiya's heat next to me, the little space between us just furthering the hole that I got trapped in, nevertheless not screaming for any help. My hand reached up to my face, the irritating feather so fluffy underneath my fingertips, but even with its cozy velvety texture, my eyes could not help but shift to the man next to me.

He was gazing so coldly. It was entrancing, awfully genuine.

I loved it. He didn't pretend, he didn't fill his eyes with beautiful lies or force the sparkle that everyone adores. No, Chishiya simply didn't have anything to offer to anyone, he didn't want to make a trade. The freezing stare was just there, a natural occurrence, something that will probably never change.

I giggled as I picked the pure white feather, my hand reaching into the air above my head, turning the flower-looking fluffiness around for my inspection. There wasn't anything interesting about it, it was a part of a mess that should be cleaned, but then again what or who isn't a part of some kind of disarrangement?

I felt the feather leave my fingers before it fell on the bed, dancing for a few seconds and ending the performance carelessly on the mattress. It didn't make a sound, of course, but I couldn't quite bite on the silence that sat in the room, only the few bird whistles outside during the early morning heard as I felt Chishiya slightly move.

„You should sleep, I will clean up." his voice did surprise me, as my gaze snapped in his direction, my arm slowly coming down next to my side. I furrowed my eyebrows, not entirely pleased with him not sleeping by my side, knowing that he was up for the whole day. I wanted to whisper in his ear, forget all the mercilessness, and combine our oxygen supply.

I lolled my head to my right, skimming my eyes over his now sitting body the sweater I gave him snuggly on his broad shoulders. I would do anything to trace my fingers on his back again, the sharp bones tinkling my senses. My lips pouted, placing a discomfort facial expression on myself even if he wasn't looking.

„We could do that together in the morning, you are the one who needs rest." I said confidently, straightening myself and leaning on my elbows, waiting for him to go back to me. But Chishiya as always didn't reply, standing up and stretching up to the ceiling like a cat, one of the few things that seemed to not fit but at the same time represent his whole personality.

His feet leisurely tapped to his desk, even though I didn't properly see what he was doing, a shuffling of papers reached my ears. I exhaled loudly, almost huffed at his ignorant behavior, but then again that's what made him Chishiya.  I cracked my knuckles, as I gazed at his messy-haired head, thinking about what I am going to say.

It was hard to talk to him, scared to say my real thoughts into his eyes, wanting to please him as much I could with my words. Maybe I am not entirely good at it, I knew that deep inside I would never tell him something deeply offensive, even with the knowledge that it wouldn't affect him as much as I would like to. I licked my lips, focusing on every little one of his movements.

„Please Y/n, I thought we were already over the stalker phase of yours. It's distracting." his voice echoed in the room, the tone passive, while I immediately glanced away as I somehow got caught in the dazed state. He leaned down and picked the few scattered books on the floor, the pages scrunched up as they fell open on the ground.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now