chapter 30

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TW: 3170 words and spicy content 

The sun that once fell on my face was already diminished, the room now blazed up with a lamp next to the bed we three were all positioned on. Everything hurt, my head pounded with my heartbeat painfully, every time my lungs expanded, a dull unpleasant feeling came through my whole chest. My eyes were half-closed, while my mouth quietly wheezed pathetically for air.

Kuina's hand reached for my shoulder, gently rubbing me to give me comfort, a concerned and distraught expression on her face. „You are okay Y/n, breathe slowly..." she reassured me in her usual soft voice when she talks to me, me following her instructions and trying to tame my rapid heart. You never realize how important is to breathe until it feels like millions of needles are stabbing you in the throat every time you suck in air.

The hard bass of the music vibrated through my body, the moon in the sky signalizing that it is indeed already night, the games commencing in a short while. My hand reached quickly to my neck, feeling the hot sticky liquid, my fingers covered in it now. My eyes scanned my shaky open palm, the maroon colour true evidence of Niragi vile behavioral issues.

He would have killed me. 

I took another deep wheezing breath, before my head slowly turned to the man next to me, suddenly quiet, his gaze distantly directed at my neck. When he noticed that my wide eyes were looking at him, Chishiya too glanced at me with those deadly eyes, the spark in them gone, instead hollow black pupils were seen.

„Where-" I couldn't even let out a proper first word before I started coughing violently, as if the few letters stuck in my throat and started to stab me with knives. I sat up on the bed immediately, while Kuina's hand retracted, leaving me space in this uncomfortable situation. I winced at the extreme headache, furious emotions waltzing on me at the thought of that bastard Niragi.

„Don't talk or you will damage your vocal cords even more." Blondie's voice snapped me out of my recollection of the cause of my injury before he stood up gracefully and continued. „Kuina go grab an icepack from the kitchens please." the girl looked up startled at his request, still going her head over the incident that happened to me.


Kuina jumped slightly at his stern voice before she nodded in my direction and stood up from the bed, walking determinedly to the door and leaving for her mission. Chishiya's eyes followed her movements after her department, still staring at the closed door before his head slowly moved behind him where I sat, a dark look cast on his whole face.

This is not how he wanted it to happen.

His mouth slightly opened, as if he was about to say something, but his eyes dipped to my red neck again, rather not saying a word. I could now properly see him, the sloppy half-bun still on his head, my black hoodie draped over his shoulders, his appearance looking more ragged then usually.

„Niragi was dragged away by some militants that were in the hallway at the moment, but I highly doubt they would come here if I didn't order them to." he started to inform while he came closer to me, observing my room like it was a secret military base. I frowned, my breath still ragged but definitely better than before, trying to think clearly.

I knew the rifle-decorated man was an idiot, changed into a horrifying monster who threatens everyone around him with his existence but... I didn't believe it, somewhere deep inside I thought that he was still the fragile little boy with a sharp eye but nothing more sinister plaguing his heart. But after this mental breakdown, I came to the conclusion that he was truly not someone I could trust.

The question was why though? Why would he be so angry at Chishiya associating with me? When we first met in this world, me in Blondie's bunker with obviously his T-shirt, Niragi only said some snarky comment but he wasn't furious or bothered. Something had to trigger him, or maybe he was truly mentally unstable like everybody told me.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now