chapter 36

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The bright light shone onto me in an uncomfortable manner, the blood in my closed eyelids visible as an orange glow. My body was stiff, a numb feeling spread into my limbs as if somebody has frozen me in ice. My hand swiftly reached to cover my face, but I couldn't- I couldn't move. An unknown force held me down, panic setting into my mind at the vulnerable state.

„Y/n." said a loud voice, my eyes snapping open at the familiar sound. The white blaze surrounded the whole space, it didn't look like a room, the walls as if endless. In front of me stood a black-covered figure, with the wide gaze and a twisted smile on her lips. „Do you like pain?" Mira asked me, just motionlessly standing as I looked around hastily, trying to move anything else that was part of my body.

I didn't respond, the unusual setting I was placed in not logical, but at the same time, I didn't recognize the absurdity. Suddenly, she came closer to me, just a few inches away from my face. Her hands were behind her back, the flowy black dress beautiful but menacing on the girl, a bad feeling plaguing in my stomach.

„Where am I?" I asked frightened, while she just giggled crazily, grabbing a fistful of my hair and turning my back to her chest. She leaned closer to my ear as the white shades slowly turned into darker ones, slow-moving black waves and scribbles appearing around us, in the air, as if physicals laws didn't exist.

„Do you enjoy pain?" Mira pursued the question again with a yank to my hair, before I screeched at the pain and let out a quiet no. She started to laugh maniacally, the surroundings yet again changing, complete darkness dripping into the void, only a few blinks of street lights cleared the rainy road that appeared in front of me. I started shaking, the puddles on the cement floor reflecting the thing, human, I feared the most.

„Then why do you bring it on others? Why do you hurt them?" the body of Hiroto was mangled few meters from my feet, the blood underneath his head slowly filling every little hole and dent. His dead gaze wasn't empty, it filled with tears, the glossy eyes making him appear more eerier than if he was cut in half.  Mira's grip tightened as we stared more and more at the unmoving boy, the guilt and the anger frictioned between us in balance.

„You killed him..." she whispered before she pushed me suddenly forward, my palms and knees falling to the floor, the blood staining them. My heart painfully fought against my ribcage, slowly bringing my red hands into the air. „Say something!" The black-covered girl yelled desperately at me as I motionlessly stared into emptiness, the iron smell making its way onto my tongue.

I shook my head, tears welling up in my eyes but I didn't let myself crack. „It wasn't my fault." I whispered before I straightened up, wiping under my nose. „He killed himself, he had an option." Mira chuckled in a pathetic, almost broken way before I heard her slowly walked up to me, her heels clicking on the concrete as my eye twitched at the corpse.

She crouched down next to my form without a word, her hand reaching under her dress. I glanced at her, the twisted smile still on her face, the beauty vanishing at the thought of her being the one bringing the pain on others. Suddenly she took a dagger from under the skirt, before creepily turning her head to me, her hand outstretched with the weapon.

„Kill him."

I gulped, her face starting to become out of focus before the unknown force lifted my hand and snatched the silver dagger, Mira's eyes now dripping down, only two completely black holes staring straight ahead. I turned my gaze slowly to the corpse, a sob coming out of my mouth as I realized it wasn't Hiroto who was now dead. There, few inches in front of my knees, laid a disfigured blonde-headed man, his whole body almost all covered in blood, his usual smirk gone and his amused eyes long lost.

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