chapter 57

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Silence never consisted of sound. It was just logical, the word itself meaning the absence of any disruption through sound waves. Nothing. I always wondered why silence could be so loud, yet sometimes so subtle you don't even ironically hear it. It was such a weird concept, truly one of the more interesting philosophies that knitted in my mind.

Would the high-pitched sound that barely grazed my ears be considered silence? Because it was the worst, most annoying, fucking noise I have ever heard in my life. It always happened, especially in situations, I was extremely stressed, sad, even happy. The range of emotions didn't matter as much as the intensity.

It was always mocking me, appearing anytime - anywhere. And it didn't matter that the little ringing didn't say a word, because just the presence of it made me furious. It ruined everything, reminding me that no matter what I feel I always just go batshit crazy as I like to call it, thoughts that essential drown a one flooding my attic.

It didn't help that I breathed in and out, it was doing nothing, absolute fucking nothing. My shoulders rose up and down in fast motions, blurred, everything around me. My eyes didn't want to focus, even if I aggressively blinked, panic coming at my throat, its teeth digging into my vein.

The fucking ringing. On and on, disorienting me, making me like a doe in a vast field. Lost in space.




I could just run away, forget this ever happened. All of it...

„L/n? Respond."

I swiftly grabbed the piece of shit walkie-talkie from my pocket without thinking, pressing the one button on the edge, allowing the other side to hear me. But I didn't say a word, nor made a sound, waiting - just waiting. Who was talking anyways?

„Y/n, I gave you the radio to communicate. So do that."

I was already completely shaken up, trembling in my boots like a newborn deer, my palms sticky from the excessive sweat. But his voice did something to me that was way worse than the few symptoms of daziness, a flash of aching slicing through my body.

How dare he even be cocky with me.

I didn't feel as hurt as before, nor numb really, the only thing that I could taste on my tongue was a bitter taste and annoyance directed at Chishiya. He was a kid, a child who could sin like a man.

I let out the breath that I held in my lungs subconsciously, yanking the radio closer to my mouth and pushing the button again to speak.

"Shut up and don't talk to me."

My muffled yell was met with a few seconds of silence, nothing but static coming from the device. And for a second I thought he would be a good boy and listen to my words maybe for the first time, but the little hope was slowly diminished as a low chuckle came from the other side, Chishiya clearly amused by my rather aggressive answer.

„Do you want me to shut up? Then say it to my face and we will see how much of a command you have over me, huh?" 

I shook my head, tightly smiling to the ground in negative amazement, wanting to throw the thing in my hand to the ground and shatter it to pieces. I shouldn't be surprised though, as I felt myself entering the bubble once again, the meaning behind his words giving me turmoil in my insides.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ