chapter 33

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The brick wall towering in front of me seemed even more blank after my encounter with Niragi. It was part of the Beach, supporting the one side of the mansion in the far back where I haven't seen even one soul. I threw my bag down on the grass, the cans falling out violently and landing next to my empty brick canvas. I pursued my lips, now not really in the mood to do my hobby after the very polite talk with the deranged idiot, but I bit my tongue.

Once I will start and won't be able to stop, the hardest part of this is to draw the first line, the first sketch. I smiled tightly and grabbed the black can, shaking it and commencing my piece. And with that, my hand naturally glided across the surface, the paper with the design imprinted in my head, the idea finally coming to life.

Many people think that spraypainters just tag or demolish other's property, they are vagabonds or just druggies. And yes, in most cases it's true, or at least every graffiti artist started in a tougher place, expressing themselves in ways that weren't the most helpful to society. But some do grow, rather using their talent as a job or something that makes others day.

I consider myself as one of the evolved ones, grabbing the orange can and diving back into my painting, trying to not only ground myself but also leave a message to whoever stumbles on this. Naivety wasn't something common in my brain, knowing that it well could be today that I will take my last breath, that I walk in this place, talk to people that I consider friends...

I just want a note to be left behind, maybe it will stay here forever, maybe not, but I needed to feel the sense of omniscience in a way. People like Chishiya already have that, as if they unconsciously plan every little thing that happens in their life, not even lifting a finger to get the benefits of existing. They didn't have any flaw, any real insecurity, he was just as if spectating a game that the others played around him.

The worst part was the fact that everybody could be like Chishiya, but they don't have enough courage to not take action.

I groaned as my mind started to wander to him again, trying to at least figure his outer personality out. The picture in front of me was slowly but surely getting into its final shape, the time running like water, the sun that was once just above my head now leaned to the side of the sky. I bit my lip as I took few steps back to look at the graffiti more precisely, a smile creeping on my lips.

It truly didn't look bad. The little fox as if glistened in the fake sunrise, the strokes representing the flying fur on the windy planet. Next to the seemingly on fire animal was a figure, green and yellow cloth too, waving in the air, the boy leaning on the grass with his arms with ease, looking over to the smaller creature next to him. The blonde strands on his head almost resembled his friend's fur, only color being the difference.

In my head at the moment, The Little Prince's rose didn't exist, her sharp thorns long fallen to the ground with her crumpled petals, only dust left behind. He was now living on this planet with the fox, because taming someone doesn't mean to befriend, to conquer. For me it is to make a sacrifice, to bring pain upon yourself, to surrender your benefits for the sake of the said taming.

To gain something, you need to lose something. That's what makes the bond worth. Not time like the author said.

I nodded my head melancholically, adding the last details and my signature, the sun blazing at my skin harshly. I grabbed the cans and put them back into the bag, the annoying bass of the music getting louder each second, already knowing what is going to happen soon. The Hatter's well-planned grandiose exit did give me an uneasy feeling, knowing that the man was probably making the worst decision since the unspoken war between the council is at its peak.

I slung the bag over my shoulder, putting my sunglasses back on my nose before I started to walk back into my room through the small garden, placed in the middle of the four walls that made up the mansion. My walk was slow kicking a rock that was on the floor, hearing only shuffling of my clothes and distant voices. I furrowed my eyebrows at the unrecognizable sounds, stopping in my path.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now