chapter 53

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As I sat on the floor out of breath, my back leaning against the bar, I realized three important things:

The First. Chishiya is an absolute asshole. But at the same time, the words he spoke were the kindest I have ever received. And it was a rejection, denial of my feelings for him, but still, he never said he didn't feel the same way. 

He was a vague man, and there was a reasonable hope inside of me that if I truly was nothing to him,- our connection was nonexistent, Chishiya would have just told me a simple no. But he didn't do that, and that was enough for me to not give up.

He still was a prick though.

The second thing. He left me a walkie-talkie unbeknown to me, which ultimately reminded me what we were all in Beach dealing with the militants, Aguni, and their rather aggressive way of handling well,- everything. And maybe, that entirely wouldn't be a concern of mine, since I did have Niragi there, and even if he did give me a concussion, I knew he didn't even notice what he was doing in the midst of his flared up anger.

I needed to be nice to people with advantageous positions, no?

This leads me back to the not really my problem, but still, something that I should involve myself with, Chishiya's plan. I knew what he was doing, and that was mostly because of the way I spent so much time with him. If I didn't know him, scratch the surface of his mind, I would have no idea about his malicious intentions.

Truthfully though, I would do the same if it meant I would get out of this world and survive. And the thought that everybody I'm close to probably have that mindset, really did scare me. Which is why I was so hesitant to tell Arisu and Usagi the danger that the plan holds, counting that Kuina was fully aware since she was the closest to Blondie.

The third thing. The bar chairs were quite easily destructible. At least the one I threw violently on the floor after he left. 

And that was the end of my pondering window, the cold ground on my bare thighs helping me to not entirely zone out, goosebumps running on my skin. The small device on the counter let out static noises, catching few words here and there, but they were almost indistinguishable.

I groaned and stretched my arms in front of me, still having a stuffy nose from the small sobbing sesh I did for a little while, even if I wasn't entirely that hurt. I think. Either way, it was time to man up and actually do something, anything productive that could help my not-so-fellow friends on their little mission.

My legs moved on their own accord, lifting me up shakily from the dirtied floor. My hands immediately grabbed the counter, clenching my jaw as my whole fucking body burned with numb pain. The amount of beating I got in these past two weeks was unbelievable, especially when I never got hurt when I was younger. I guess my luck ran out... Or I got teleported to a different reality full of violence, I don't really remember...

 I smiled. It was these stupid unfunny jokes that really made me chuckle, even if I was in a bad state, they motivated me to breathe out, and stand on my own. I gulped down any protest for the movement, snatching the small device and putting it in my pocket without any further inspection, zipping my hoodie up more, coldness surrounding me in the chilly room.

Now, as I was fully calmed down from the turmoil the blonde-headed boy caused me, the feeling of being like he described me flooded my insides. A fox? Well, they certainly are cunning, aren't they? I shook my head as I looked down on the ground, thinking my options out.

I could betray him.

I wanted to.

But he did say there is nothing between us, so I don't think he would consider my change of mind about the plan something unexpected. I mean, after all, I don't see why he actually trust me with the information. Right now, I could just go to Aguni, Niragi even and tell them about his future theft of the cards...

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now