chapter 31

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The cold granite underneath my hands bit my skin, the white knuckles decorated my fingers as I gripped the edge, my eyes distantly looking on the wall in front of me. My ragged breath was the only thing that I let out, the make-out session still not processed in my brain. Fuck. I cannot believe I let him do that, let myself submit to his Chishiya charm.

My hand shakily lifted to my neck, tracing the textured wounds, remembering that I have a lot more important issues to deal with. Niragi is unpredictable and he could kill me the next time he sees me, or worse, snap and go on a rampage without a single hesitation. Mira was another cipher that needs to be solved, the next stage slowly coming to crash on us and I didn't know what to expect.

I sighed, shaking my head to get into the moment again, jumping from the counter and turning around to look at my neck and the damage Blondie did to my mouth. My neck looked like a 5-year-old painted it with every disgusting color the child could mix, browns and ugly yellows dominating the body part, my lips were slightly swollen. I didn't look horrible, just a little bit like a clown.

The time ran fast in the small dark room, my gaze absently focused on my eyes while I thought about my master plans. I pushed the handle on the faucet up, the clear water falling into the sink, my hands dipping into the stream to refresh my face, deciding that my goal today is just to survive and go finally to my bed, not wanting any more social interactions.

I patted my face with a dry towel, my messy hair sleazed down by my palms before I took a deep breath and walked to my main room, opening the door slowly. Surprisingly it was completely black there, Chishiya turning off the lamp while he left me hanging, leaving me alone after he cut deep into my mind once again.

I closed the bathroom door behind me, grumbling in a raspy voice about the inconveniences that idiot blonde man gave me every time we interacted, knowing that he was the true burden in my life rather than the psychopaths that happily danced around me, occasionally choking me. But my feelings didn't match my logic, rather inclining to Chishiya's attractiveness, ignoring the murky cloud that surrounded him.

I didn't even bother to switch on the light, knowing that I am going to sleep right away, the tiredness affecting my body and dragging me down. I carefully maneuvered to my desired location using the wall as a help, before patting the mattress in front of me, reassuring that there is my bed. I pursued my lips as I sat down carefully, sniffing as I felt the melancholic atmosphere surround me.

I didn't even hear the slight shuffling of the bedsheets, a body dragging across the mattress, therefore the hand that touched my back scared the living shit out of me, jumping at the contact I wasn't prepared for. I screeched and swiftly turned around, but because of the lack of light, I only saw a non-vibrant silhouette, the name automatically rolled off my tongue. „Chishiya?"

Suddenly the lamp turned on, my eyes blinking at the sudden action, a painful sharp pounding attacked my head. „Unfortunately no." my now clear gaze was directed at the smiley Kuina, her hand supporting her dreads-covered head, the white stick still nibbled by her teeth. I opened my mouth at the revelation, mixed feelings bubbled in my chest, feeling guilty that I was so naive to think that Chishiya was an actual gentleman who doesn't leave his prey half-eaten to suffer.

Kuina suddenly frowned as she looked at my neck, the bruises not even at their peak, her eyes looking down as she took the stick away from her mouth. „I'm sorry Y/n that Niragi did that to you but-" she sighed and came closer, looking in my eyes. „I know you can't really talk a lot, but why would he do that to you?" Kuina's eyes twinkled in curiosity, while my mind got covered in panic at the question, the girl not knowing anything about my secret friendship. Or the murder.

Luck was on my side today, deciding to just tell Kuina the whole story, nothing really matters in this world after all, but I just let out few words before I started to cough violently once again. Definitely a bad idea, even though I had good intentions. My hand flew to my neck, rubbing it, my whole body turning away from my friend instinctively.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now