chapter 5

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The bright sunlight glided on my skin, waking me from my deep slumber. I groaned, putting my hand over my eyes trying the block the unusual light. It was the most peaceful moment I had in a while, completely forgetting that I am indeed not in my authentic reality. Unfortunately, the moment didn't last long, the memories flashing in my mind at full speed.

I sat up, looking around the sunny room. I did my morning routine, the motivation for proper hygiene still there, and made myself a cup of coffee. I walked to the cramped balcony leaning against the railing. It was quite a beautiful sight. Everything was silent, the chirping of the birds sounding like a melody.

I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket, blazed it up with my lighter. It wasn't like I was a heavy smoker, but it was better for coping than the shitty drugs I took during my teenage years.

 I was stressed... I AM stressed. My lips took a long drag from the cig. I needed a plan. Even though at that moment the city was peaceful, I knew about the horrors happening at night.

I shook my head, an idea popping in my mind. I looked at my black leather bag sitting in the corner, the content catching my eyes. I was curious, did my spray paintings still exist? Or were they ruined by people of the ghost Tokyo? I decided to find the answer.


Walking through this city without any sort of public transportation was tiring. The bag with my cans was pulling me down, my speed slowed. It really reminded me of the day I appeared here.

The Chesire Cat.

I think it is my most favorite piece I sprayed in my life. It reminded me of all the people I love, I appreciate but at the same time, it was cursed. It's like the goddamn cat knew I will get stuck in this shithole that day. Suddenly I got angry. I wanted to destroy it, thinking it will bring me back.

I knew that wasn't the case. But I still hoped.

I finally got to the old building, looking even more demolished than before. I put the bag on the ground, walking up to the painting. Indeed it was still there, grinning even more mockingly at me. I frowned. Something was different.


There it was. In big bold letters was written the name.

„Chishiya...Hm." I softly said. The gut feeling I felt when I drew the cat came back, my intuition warning me once again. I smiled, happy that someone recognized the cartoon but then frowned, the queasy feeling getting worse.

„I guess I'll stay away from you, Cat boy."


The rest of the day I spent spraying on the walls of Tokyo. It didn't make me feel good as I thought it would make me. I didn't need to find a well-hidden spot, nobody would come complaining.

Because nobody was there.

The rush I get from the thought of getting caught by the police wasn't there anymore. It was replaced by the mild fear of meeting the gun squad. I really didn't want to associate with them, knowing that they would probably shot at anyone for crossing their path.

Weapons and men wasn't the greatest combo.

I snickered at my statement. My dad's hobby was guns. He would go every Sunday to some arena, just shooting at different targets. Was it a form of coping after my mother died? I don't know, he never told me.

„I wonder how is my old man doing..." I mused, not really concerned about his absence. He wasn't abusive, but we weren't friends too. Just a daughter and a father. He did let me shoot a couple of times when I was 13. I'm glad that I had the experience, knowing I would use it.

Probably soon.


I have decided to join a game today. Why? I need to learn how this system works. Also, I'm pretty lonely, and yes I know, I left Arisu and his friends alone without a goodbye, but I was mentally scarred. I regret it but I know my decision was for the best. Today I will choose the closest location to them and maybe the luck is going to be on my side.

I half smiled, excited to meet them again.

I grabbed some black jacket and combat boots. My dad's gun filled with bullets was tugged in my waistband. I already know that the games aren't the only enemy here, it was also the people the system produced. I sighed and went on my merry way.

The bright signs lead me to an apartment complex. I stopped before the stairs, pulling my hood over my head. Maybe if I seemed unapproachable, nobody would bother me.

I went through the lasers, my hands shaking slightly. I would be lying if I said that I'm not scared and nervous. These games are meant to kill. I went to the table, grabbing a random phone.

„10 players registered"

I looked up scanning my opponents. Some were old, a young girl couple whispering to themself, a tough-looking duo glaring at everyone, and someone hiding behind the corner. White jacket...

Before I could finish my thought a voice interrupted me.

„Y/n, is that you?" it was Arisu.

I turned around to face him, shock evident on his face. I smiled at him sadly, knowing that I caused him even more stress than before. On the other hand, Karube glared at me. I understand why he is angry, but his look could send me 6 feet under.

„It's me." I simply said, not wanting to anger Karube and start an argument.

I didn't even notice a young athletic-looking woman coming, my eyes still on Arisu.I averted my gaze at looked at my phone.

Game of tag and the rules of it.

Finding the safe zone is the main goal. Or the whole building blows up. Interesting.

„Really? Are we going to chase each other like kids?" I mumbled, even though I knew this child's game is gonna be bloodier than the original. For a moment I thought I heard someone chuckle.

The card was Five of Spades, which would be useful info if I knew what it meant.

Fortunately for me, some guy started to explain the rules and meanings of the cards. After he started to talk useless shit I looked at the white hooded figure. He was listening to music? Does he know he can die in the next 30 minutes? I did the mistake of gazing again.

He looked at me. It was the boy from the red car.

His eyes unimpressed, smirking slightly in my way as if he knew something I didn't. I have to admit. He was beautiful, but I didn't let my thoughts control me and I slowly looked away. Does he recognize me? I hope not.

The game finally started and the clock was ticking.



Thank you for reading my story i love you all!!!!

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now