chapter 32

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After what Usagi told me, I was truly confused about what position I held at the moment. I never realized how many things happen behind my back and especially if Kuina was part of them. If she was there when Chishiya and Niragi were arguing about me, why didn't she tell me? I shook my head as I walked through the seemingly small corridors, the number of people lurking in the mansion bigger than usual.

My legs lead me to the main hall bustling with chatter and laughter, my black glasses making the atmosphere appear darker than it was. My main problem was that even though I make these complicated calculating plans in my head, they never come to the physical world for numerous reasons. The only person that I was 100 percent sure was see-through was Mira.

A group of young friendly-looking people sat on one of the many leather couches, the table in front of them filled with alcohol and cigarettes, a pair of girls catching my attention. I stopped in my walk, frowning slightly as I gazed over the chicks sitting on the couch, seemingly awkward and not comfortable between the other players. 

The girls were notorious for being weird, looking over to people and as if stalking them, not talking to anyone else than themselves. I saw them a lot outside, my eyes reproaching their gazes, curious about their off-standish behavior. I realized early at Beach that the loners were equipped with information, mostly ending up dead in the awfully smelling bin.

I cracked my knuckles and smiled, at this point knowing that I shouldn't only follow my friends but have my own little adventure. So with that I lazily walked to the group of people, the years of practice with drugged and drunk humans coming in handy at the moment, sitting next to my two targets, successfully separating them from the others.

„Well hello!" one of the guys almost yelled out at me, hooking his arm behind me, his glossy eyes nothing surprising. I smiled at him, just wanting to befriend the two girls rather than interact with the horny and unhinged man. „That's some nasty hickeys you have there." his wide eyes went to my neck, while I cackled in my mind at his oblivious remark.

„Yeah bro-" I smirked and pointed at the two confused-looking girls. „- these two were pretty wild yesterday." 

Everyone went silent for few seconds, with me already regretting my cocky attitude, before they started to cheer and laugh, in contrast, the pair of young women started to not only look confused but also offended. The man next to me shook his head and lit a cigarette, before he nodded at the rest of the group, standing up.

„Good for you ma'am, we will let you have your privacy." he patted my shoulder in congratulation, before he whistled at his pets, leaving me to commence my mission. I bit my lip as I gazed at the leaving group before a voice interrupted my useless pondering. „What was that Y/n?" 

I snapped my head in their direction, the one with short hair and wide eyes was who spoke up, my name on her lips surprising. Truthfully I didn't know exactly what was my goal, perhaps my subconscious is telling me that these two are different from others, valuable to me. Or maybe I just needed new friends to just talk to without any promises or overthinking.

„You watched me and I watched you. We both know that we aren't like any regular residents of Beach." both of them glanced at each other hastily, before the longer-haired girl gulped and shakily reached her hand towards me. „My name is Momoka."


My hand glided on the sheet of paper gracefully, the lines left after the graphite creating shapes, the black vibrant on the white. I hm-ed quietly, my chin leaning on my palm as my other hand finished the last stroke that gave my drawing its life. It really did relax me more than I thought, the pure focus I give to my art distracting me from the current reality and giving me a sense of purpose in some way.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora