chapter 34

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„Are you nervous?" a voice echoed in the dark room, the stars visible from the window with the moon guarding them. I bit my lip at the question, focusing on my hands in front of my face, the fingers trying to as if catch the light on the ceiling. Kuina sat next to me, her arms crossed as she looked at my form laying on the bed, the clock already coming to the magic number 8. I felt her stern gaze on me and I decided to finally respond to the question that was confusing to my mind.

 „I don't know..." I let out with a deep exhale, placing my palms over my eyes to block the lamp. „Chishiya is well, a man of confusing nature." I mused out before Kuina started to giggle, seemingly loving the snarky comments directed at her blonde accomplice. It was only half an hour after Hatter left when my dreaded friend came barging in my room, knowing what is happening today.

I almost thought she wasn't going to come, busy doing something or well, someone at this point. But she did come for a visit, preparing me for the meeting and just talking about the newest rumors and spicy stories. Well, I had one too, finally deciding to tell her what happened in the bathroom, on the cold counter, with his hands all over my body...

Kuina was truly shocked to the core, but surprisingly enough, she didn't comment anything negative, at the end of the day just shrugging it off. She truly did change a lot, maturing in these situations, not squealing that much as when she was a fresh teenager. I pick at my fingernails as I reminisced the earlier events, still not knowing what to do about this whole situation.

Suddenly Kuina shuffled from next to me, her feet landing on the floor loudly and putting her sandals back on in a rush. I quirked an eyebrow at her odd behavior but knowing that she actually had quite a lot of friends here and probably even someone much closer. I didn't feel much at the thought, nothing painful or any betrayal, I was just happy that I got her back. After all, we were separated for years and this world did bring us together but also it both broke us inside.

„Sorry Y/n! I am meeting with.." she strapped her platform shoe onto her ankle, looking back at me with a pause. „Many, many friends that are waiting for me in this second." she straightened up and fastly walked to the door, opening it harshly. „Bye, love ya!" and with that, she was gone, my greeting lost in my throat. I blinked at the sudden absence and tightly smiled, deciding that I should too join the world of social living.

I still had the same clothes, not bothering to wear something special since that is just plain embarrassing on my part. This time as I stood up from my sitting position I didn't grab my sunglasses, leaving them on the bedside table, the moon not bright enough for me to need the protection. I rub my neck as I shuffled my feet into the black flip-flops, the bruises still present and not fading since the attack.

It didn't look considerably worse though, just being glad that I didn't suffer any chronic consequences or I truly wouldn't be able to survive on my own accord. I gulped at the depressing thought, rather focusing on opening the door and finally getting my ass to the spot beside the promised pool. I was actually quite interested in what Blondie wanted from me, especially after the sudden exit he made after we shared the seemingly intimate moment.

Maybe we could just talk or look at the stars without a word.

I knew it was such a simple and childish desire but, I did enjoy his company in some way. Yes, he made me angry and irritated, even sad sometimes, however, he also made me forget about my troubles when I was with him as if he had this bubble around him that consumes you in the most gentle and forgiving way. It was addictive in the most illogical pattern, my brain seeing nothing but danger.

I walked down the stairs solemnly, people seemed to be partying even more, now wondering if we would get some privacy with Blondie. I let out a deep breath, jumping on the floor of the main hall, leading directly to the pool area. I ignored people around me, them being more than strangers to me, and opened the glass door leading to the patio. A group of youngsters roughly shoved me from the way, the brick wall catching my body before I could fall to...

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now