chapter 50

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It was so delicious. The sweet taste that gently slipped on my tongue, tinkles spreading down my arms like a wave of butterflies. I smiled and closed my eyes, savoring every moment of it as I knew that maybe it would be my last. My legs automatically started to swing around, as they didn't reach the ground on the high chair, my feet free to fidget.

Another bite.

I hm-ed to myself as the flavors merged together, my eyes glazed over while I looked down to the distance at the bright flickering lights. It was dim, but still, I could see everything clearly enough to function, slowly placing the toast back on the plate, licking my lips. 

I was seated at the bar, eating my late breakfast like a starved animal, while it was dead quiet, only my chewing heard in my ears. My head still hurt, but it was way better than before as the medicine actually started to work. I also felt tired but, I don't think there was any time for sleeping today.

A cup of water was snatched harshly by my hand, bringing the glass to my lips and gulping it like I was a dog. After I finished, I placed the cup loudly back on the granite counter underneath my elbows, the sound prominent in the silent room. I exhaled dramatically and grabbed the fork, stabbing into the cubed fruit aggressively, my head full of murderous thoughts.

I was here for fifteen minutes now, trying to enjoy my meal, but the only thing that I could truly focus on was the intense and certainly creepy gaze that was directed at me the whole time. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you guess it right! Chishiya was right in the chair next to me, staring at me with the sleazy smirk he always had on.

Most of the time, I wouldn't mind, actually, I would be happy that he pays attention to me, but now, I was eating my maybe the last supper, and I definitely don't want the nervousness from the man to be the biggest part of the memory of it.

I brought the piece of melon to my mouth, stuffing it into my face and then gently placing the fork back into the bowl, knowing I would probably break it with force if I didn't watch myself. As I chewed elegantly, trying to not show my irritation as much, I finally got the guts to confront the blonde creep next to me. 

I sharply turned my head to him, the disco lasers blinding me for a split second, just glaring at him while I munched on the fruit. Chishiya had his elbow placed on the counter, his head leaned into his palm, while his other hand was leisurely placed in his pocket. The long hair fell to the side, some strands even into his face, the instinct to tug them away spreading through my body.

He didn't react anyhow to my violent attention, actually smiling a little bigger, while I gulped down my food. „Stop watching me Blondie." I hissed out, trying to somehow scare him away, but of course, the complete opposite happened. He scoffed humorously, shaking his head at me before he spoke up quietly.

„I am bored."

I exhaled deeply, before I turned my whole body to him, forgetting my food at the speed of light. I was exhausted by his vague answers that didn't give me anything but a headache, especially if his irritating smirk was directed at me nonstop as if he was amused by my anger filled mental state.

„How do I unbore you then huh?" 

He straightened up slowly, looking me up and down carefully with the feline but unbothered gaze as always. Chishiya then clenched his jaw and hm-ed, his hand reaching to me swiftly, slightly grazing my shoulder. I was about to question his maneuvers, or rather start to get ready for another make-out session, but as usual, what I expected didn't happen

My eyes scanned his arm that was dangerously close to me, skimming with my gaze to his elbow until I reached his hand. His pointer finger was directed at my half-finished toast. I slowly lifted my head to Chishiya, while he just quirked his eyebrow and smirked with a nod to his head. Our knees were touching, and I could feel the tension in my shoulders.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝 III chishiya x female reader *discontinued*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن