Titansss [chapter 16]

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"Commence mission!" the person leading this "suicide mission" shouted for us to start. You and Eren shot of at the same time, starting to race each other on accident. You had completely forgot about Eren having to turn into a titan until he bit his hand and a loud sound and huge light came form him.

He became a titan, but instead of continuing for the rock he just stood still. A person in the protection squad released a signal that said the mission was a success so far. Titan Eren looked up at Mikasa who was trying to get him to continue to move. You stood on a roof across from them, being too lazy to go over to the same roof as Mikasa. Then everything went South.

Eren tried to punch Mikasa. Luckily, Mikasa was able to get out of the way, but it shocked you to say the least. You were going to try and do something, but Mikasa beat you to it. Somehow Eren was knocked out, propped up against the rock, still in his titan form. A person in the protection squad shot a rocket that let Pixis know something went wrong.

"There are titans coming for us!" one of the people said while you were waiting on a roof with Mikasa that was near the, once again, unconscious Eren.

"No shit," you replied with a huff while sitting down on the edge of the roof.

"What's wrong!" Armin yelled while he was coming towards the two of you.

"Eren tried to kill Mikasa, but now he's knocked out," you sighed out.

"Are you giving up on him?" Mikasa asked you.

"Nah, I'm just pissed that I'm about to have to get up and kill titans because the other people in this stupid squad suck ass," you responded.

"It's not that bad, plus you get to live when you kill those titans!" Mikasa tried her hardest to cheer you up.

"I don't really want to live in the first place, I'm only really surviving because of Eren's and I's bet. Also, I don't think I would ever be able to give up on him. He always gives me more reasons not to, and it kinda pisses me off," you said with a chuckle.

"Are you tired?" Mikasa asked you out of nowhere.

"Of life? Yeah," you responded.

Mikasa rolled her eyes playfully while letting out a silent laugh, "No you goof. I'm talking sleep wise. Your eye bags look worse than usual."

"Thanks," you replied sarcastically with a chuckle, "Actually, I got less than an hour of sleep last night because apparently people don't know how to be quiet. Do you think I could take a nap?"

"Considering our surroundings, no. You can when this is over, but for now I'll let you take a breather and I'll go kill those titans. I just hope everything turns out alright," Mikasa smiled before launching herself off the roof and headed towards the titans.

"I want sleep," you groaned while watching Armin try to pull Eren out of his trance.

You lied down on your back, staring at the clouds as they moved by. You tried thinking of what they looked like, pointing it out and smiling when you found a connection to a cloud and something that you had seen before. It was peaceful, as if nothing was even going on. You were simply enjoying life for the first time in a long time.

"y/n! He's up! Armin did it!" Mikasa yelled at you, pulling you out of the peaceful illusions and bringing you back into the reality where titans were everywhere.

"Nothing lasts forever," you sighed to yourself before looking at the titan Eren that was carrying a huge boulder on his back.

Oh, so he got muscle muscle. Hot.

"Stop simping over him and get your dang mission done," Marlin said with a sigh of disappointment.

"Ok, but look at him he's so-" you started but cut yourself off, "holy abs!"

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