Harry [chapter 59]

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"Holy shit," you cursed as you watched Armin get burned by Bertold, "That fucking bitch will pay."

Before you could do anything though, Eren took down the Colossal. You watched as Eren grabbed Armin, placing his gently on a roof, the rest of his squad members also landing on the roof, as he called out for Levi who was... falling of the wall?

"What the fuck Armin," you said to the burnt corpse as you landed on the roof. "I know you wanted to have a noble reason to die, but you weren't supposed to actually die?!" you said to the corpse that more than likely couldn't hear you.

"You still jacked though, so I guess you get a pass," you sighed, looking over in the direction in which Levi would be approaching upon hearing his 3DM gear.

Levi arrived, pulling out the titan serum as Eren and Mikasa had desperately asked. He was about to inject the liquids inside the needle into Armin, but was stopped by the same asshole with the bad haircut that tried to steal Birdie. On his back was Erwin, who looked to have one foot already in the grave.

"Oh shit," you said as you looked in between your burnt friend and one of the few commanders you had grown to respect. "Good luck," you said to Levi as you pat is back before you left the roof to go find your own house, hoping it wasn't in shambles.

"You made it out alive. Congrats," Marlin said, you being able to hear a silent applause in your head.

"Let's go find my home that you practically lived in," you laughed.

You wound your way through the mess of a town, trying your best to remember your way around. You felt a feeling of nostalgia rush over you when you started finding buildings that you recognized, letting you know you were getting close to the place you used to call your home.

Another minute or so and you found the place, tears welling up in your eyes as you looked at the house the was now submerged in plants.

"Looks almost exactly how we left it. Just get rid of the plants and other random crap surrounding the place, and Bingo Bango!" Marlin chirped.

"We did it bitch," you laughed.

You pulled out Marlin's pocket watch, turning it so it was facing the house.

"Not 'we'. You did it. All I've done is mess with you," Marlin commented.

"I'm home," you said as you let two silent tears fall down you cheeks, smiling as you made your way to the open door, walking around the oh so familiar house.

You walked in and out of rooms, avoiding your own until the very end. You looked through cabinets, finding a bunch of very spoiled food, toys that you used to hide, and many plates. There were still clothes and books, everything covered in dust.

"Glad to be back," you smiled before walking towards you room.

You looked at the door that was closed, a sign that sloppily had 'Do not enter' written on it as it barely hung on by the string attached to it. You laughed at your own old antics before slowly turning the door knob, pushing on it lightly as it opened with ease.

You walked into the center of the old room, looking around at the random things that decorated your walls, desk, and shelf.

You laughed when you saw a decapitated doll sitting on your desk, remembering the look of horror Marlin gave you as he watched you cut it off.

"Fucking weirdo," Marlin laughed.

"You stuck by this weirdo's side," you retorted playfully.

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