Cards! [chapter 23]

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"Go for the set of clubs," Eren whispered to you.

Your guys' hand was pretty decent. You had the 3 of clubs, 4 of clubs, 5 of diamond, ace of hearts, and king of spades. Yes, we could've had a better hand, but this one was great. Going for the clubs would be your safest bet, but it would also be rather hard since you could only accept two cards for the set to be complete.

"That would be our best option, but that all kinda depends on what the others have," you replied while shifting the cards so they were a bit more organized.

"True..." he mumbled.

"Can I go first?" Petra asked.

"Yeah, and then we go counterclockwise," you replied, sitting on the left of her. This would work in your favor.

"Great, I'm last," Oluo said sarcastically.

"Is that complaining I hear?" you asked while reaching for your dagger, which Eren took from it's pouch before you could grasp the handle.

"Can you maybe stop threatening people?" Eren asked you while holding the dagger out of your reach.

"I don't know can you stop being a Titan Bitch?" you sassed back.

"Here we go again," Levi sighed while setting his cards facedown on the table.

"Oh my gosh, stop calling me that," Eren groaned.

"Then stop calling me No Tits," you replied.

"I mean I could, but it's like just a board there," Eren responded.

"Is this what we've become?" you asked rhetorically, wanting to start a big speech of your own since you have never tried that.

"What have we become exactly?" Eren asked confused.

"The titans who ate our moms?" you asked.

"Wait, don't bring that back up. That's a painful subject," Eren muttered.

"To you, maybe. To me, I just see it as common. Death is inevitable no matter how you look at it. You can be as kind as Christa, but no matter what you can't make it out of life alive," you replied.

"This sounds like thoughts you have when you're high..." Eld mumbled.

"Maybe I am high, you'll never know," you replied.

"You have the potential to be one of humanity's greatest shoulders, but you put it to waste by saying crap like that," Levi sighed.

"There's something wrong with how she acts?" Hange asked confused.

"Of course you wouldn't be able to tell, she's a younger version of you," Levi said as he banged his head against the table.

"Wow, I finally pushed him off the edge," you stated, "This might be a record!"

"Nah, you got that one blonde commander to run away within a few hours of meeting him," Eren said.

Petra played her hand, just wanting to play the game like a civil person. I don't know why, she wasn't sitting with civil people, that's for sure.

"How did you manage to do that?" Erwin asked as you played your cards so the game could continue.

"We were doing combat training and I beat him mercilessly," you replied while fixing your hand.

"Did she stop when he said he was done and couldn't take anymore?" Gunther asked.

"Here's the thing, he couldn't sat anything..." Eren trailed off.

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