Other Friends [chapter 24]

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"Check out the new recruits," some random scouts member said as some people entered the base.

"Mikasa and Armin are definitely going to be here, but who else do you think is coming?" you asked Eren as you threw the saddle off your horse.

"One, stop abusing your equipment. And two, I don't know. Maybe Sasha and Connie, but other than that I don't think the others were planning on joining," Eren replied as he winced when he saw the saddle make contact with the floor.

"I need to ask Levi something," you changed the subject and grabbed Eren's hand, forcing him to journey with you to find your squad captain.

"Do I really have to come?" Eren whined. (like the little bitch he is! sorry, sorry)

"Yes," you replied as you dragged him to the captains office where Levi would more than likely be.

The two of you arrived, you banging on the door. Levi probably knew who it was immediately because of how hard the knocks where, but he was thankful you didn't barge in since that's what you did usually did.

"Come in," you and Eren heard from the other side of the door.

"Heyo!" you said as you walked into the office.

"Hello," Levi said as he pushed aside his paperwork with a sigh, "What did you do this time?"

"Hey! I didn't do anything wrong, I just had a question," you pouted, earning you a snicker from Eren.

"What do you need, brat?" Levi asked.

"I was wondering if I'm allowed to name him," you said.

"Him?" Levi and Eren asked at the same time.

"Yeah," you replied as if they should know what you're talking about. "My horse?" you clarified after seeing there confused faces turning even more confused.

"Oh, that makes more sense," Eren chuckled.

"I don't care if you name your horse," Levi replied, "Now if that's all, please leave. I have an abundance of paperwork that I have yet to finish," the captain waved you off.

"Ight, thanks dad!" you said as you left his office with Eren following you.

"That's what you wanted to ask?" Eren questioned.

"Yup!" you chirped, popping the 'p'.

"Why would captain care if you named your own horse? That's like asking someone if you can eat the food they gave to you and said was for you," Eren commented.

You thought for a minute, realizing the boy was right, "Oh."

"Anyways, wanna check out the recruits and see who all came from the 104th?" Eren asked while grabbing your hand and picking up the pace, giving you no choice but to go.

Ah, so this is how Eren feels when I drag him everywhere...

"Come on," Eren whined, starting to jog.

"Ok ok. Chill out," you laughed before jogging along side him.

The recruits were by a horse stall when the two of you found them. Most of your friends were there, though it did come to you as a shock not to see Marco since he was usually everywhere Jean was, and vise versa. You walked up to them, seeing Annie was missing as well. She probably joined the MPs, but I don't blame her, they pretty much get to sit around and do nothing.

"Potato!" you shouted at them, causing Sasha to look at you immediately from just hearing those words, the others did after they recognized your voice.

"y/n!" Sasha shouted while charging towards you, giving you a hug so forcefully, it slammed you to the ground.

"Me is back in painnnn!" you shrieked in a British accent.

"Get up," Eren said while pulling Sasha off of you.

"Hey guys!" Armin chirped as he jogged up to you, the others followed suit.

"Howdy," you greeted while tilting the non-existent hat on your head.

"Glad to finally see you y/n. Oh, Yeager's here too," Jean said the last part in disgust after seeing Eren's figure beside you.

"What're you guys supposed to be doing?" Christa asked.

You looked at Eren with your brows furrowed, "What were we supposed to be doing again?"

"Cleaning our horses, but you got distracted and then ran to Levi to ask if you could name you horse," Eren sighed.

"Yeah, we were supposed to be doing that," you answered Christa while pointing at Eren.

"You should go back to doing that or you might get punished," Armin suggested.

"Nah, Shorty can't do shit to me," you responded. "Plus I wanted to talk to you guys, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Ah, ok. So, how do you like the Levi squad?" Bertold asked.

"I like it. I get to do whatever I want," you replied.

"Does she really?" Reiner asked Eren.

"Yeah, but that's only because her and captain have some sort of deal. I, on the other hand, have to do exactly as I'm told or I will be punished," Eren clarified.

"Enough about my amazing, sexy, beautiful life, how's it going for all of you? Also, where's Marco?" you asked.

"It's going fine and Marco, he's um..." Jean trailed off looking at the ground when he started to talk about his best friend and probably more than just friend, "dead..."

"You're kidding," you said with a dumbfounded expression.

"Why would I joke about something like that?" Jean asked you.

"Damn it, and he was one of my favorites too. I wonder if I'll start hearing his voice too," you commented, your usual playful grin leaving your face for a few seconds, but returning immediately.

"You hear voices?" Ymir asked you.

"Uh-huh. I hear Marlin's whiny ass all the time," you replied.

"Hey! I'm not whiny!" Marlin shouted in your head.

"Yes you are," you accidentally said out loud.

"You said that out loud..." Marlin told you.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" you asked.

"Yeah..." Eren muttered.

"Oops," you said. Then things went silent, making everything awkward.

"We should probably get going," Eren said while grabbing your hand once again, "See you around!"

The two of you walked back to your horses' stables, you remembering that you needed to name your horse.

"What do you think I should name him?" you asked Eren.

"How do you know your horse is a boy?" Eren asked.

Then it dawned on you, you didn't actually know what gender your horse was.

You gasped before running over to your horse and looking at its private part, wanting to know what gender your horse was. You gasped at your discovery.

"He is a she!" you yelled in shock. Eren only chuckled at you.

"So, what are you gonna name her?" Eren asked

To be continued. . .

I am here for gabi slander, especially after wot she did in the newest episode.

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