No More Wall [chapter 1]

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ONE MORE TIME: this "story" is a shit show. there is barely any plot. it was like one of the first things i ever wrote and put online. please do not expect this to be good. it's cringey asf. i promise i have matured since this and if you'd like to read something decent checkout one of my newer works instead.

Today was going perfectly well. You thought it was going to be a perfectly normal day, but that all changed when something drastic happened that changed humanity completely.

"y/n! Get your ass over here, I need your help!" your friend, Marlin, yelled.

Marlin and you met through your parents, who had been friends with each other before either one of you were even born. Marlin was a few months older than you, and he always said that meant he could boss you around.

He was tall, not very bulky, and on the skinnier side. He definitely didn't have abs, but you didn't make fun of him for it because you were both only 10 years old at the time. He had longer legs than he did a torso, but it wasn't longer in a weird way that made him look wonky. His feet weren't overly large, but they were definitely big compared to your's. He had dirty blonde hair that was styled in a bowl cut format, with very interesting facial features. He had hazel eyes, and bushy, brown eyebrows.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm coming!" you yelled back to your friend. You and him had been chasing down a trio of kids, who looked to be about the same age as the two of you, that decided to vandalize your house with eggs. They probably thought they wouldn't get caught when they did it, but they were in deep trouble.

Why they wanted to egg tour house? No clue. You didn't really talk to many people, but even if you did people always figured out you were a psychopath. You lacked empathy, you tried to understand other peoples' emotions, but it just seemed impossible. (no joke i actually have trouble understanding people's emotions irl) The only person who didn't judge you for that was Marlin, but that might be because he has known you since you were born. He knew you struggled and he tried to help, but he just couldn't do it so he just gave up and told you what he was feeling in hopes you might understand emotions better. You weren't emotionless, although you didn't cry very often.

"What do you think we should do with them?" Marlin asked as he pulled out a pocket watch that he carried with him at all times. He said I could never use it because it was his "prized possession", but you didn't ever really push him to let you use it.

"Turn them in to the military police?" you asked, not really having any ideas.

"Yeah, but all the MPs will do is drunkenly lecture them and then let them go, or they will just laugh it off. You and I both know they don't really do their jobs," Marlin responded to you.

"Oh whatever. I guess we could tell my parents they egged our house and force them to clean it up," you replied, this time looking at the delinquents who decided to have fun by vandalizing your property.

"I guess that makes sense," Marlin said as he took two of the kids by the arm, and you took the other one.

After about 10 minutes of walking, you made it to the front doorstep of your house. You opened your door, heading to the kitchen where your mom was usually making lunch at about this time. She saw you, and looked shocked to see you restraining someone.

"What are you doing, and why is that poor boy being held like that?" your mom asked, dropping whatever she was doing to walk towards you. Then Marlin came in with the two kids he was restraining, sending your mother even further into her state of shock.

"They egged our house," you said with a little smile on your face. You felt a sense of accomplishment when you showed her the "criminals" that vandalized your little town house.

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