A New Friend

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“He’s gone?! How do you know this? Did you see him earlier? Will he be okay? This can’t be real. Please tell me you’re joking, Louis!” Questions just tumbled out of my mouth. Harry can’t be gone; that would be crazy! I became anxious while Louis drove me and Niall to their house.

“I just got back and I thought he would be there. I already knew Niall was at your house, so I knew he wouldn’t be there.” “When exactly did you get back?” Louis took more than 3 seconds to think about it, so the anxiety came back. “Louis!” Louis looked stressed, “What time is it now?” I answered instantly, “11am.” “I got home at about 10:30am.” I turned to Niall, about to ask a question, but he read my mind and answered before I could. “I left at 9:00am to go to your place. Harry was there when I left.”

Niall squeezed my hand trying to comfort me. “What was he doing?” Niall didn’t even have to think. I guess he knew I was going to ask that. “He was listening to his iPod that you got him for Christmas in the living room. It didn’t look like he was going to go out somewhere.”

Then were the heck did he go? How could he leave without telling anyone? “How are we supposed to find him, Louis?” Louis didn’t say anything; he didn’t know either. “Niall?” I could feel the tears coming. There was a heavy weight crushing my chest constantly. I always worry about Harry; he can be fragile. “We’ll just look around local areas. I’m sure we’ll find him somehow.” I laid my head on Niall’s chest and closed my eyes. Wherever Harry was, I was going to find him.

Finally, we got to their house after a long, hectic ride. Right when we got there, I went to Harry’s room and cried. Niall tried to follow me but I pushed him away. I sat there sobbing, and didn’t notice that Eleanor came in. “Lily, we’ll find him.” She came over and hugged me, causing another round of crying. What is wrong with me? Why am I crying so much?

“Hhhooww longgg hass it been?” It was hard to speak clearly. “Well, it’s half past noon now.” He’s been missing for around 3 hours now. “Shouldn’t we call the police or someone?” Eleanor helped me sit up straight. She fixed my hair while I wiped away my tears.

“We will if he’s gone any longer. Right now, Liam, Danielle, Zayn, Lou, and even Niall are looking for him. You have to remember that he’s done this before, and he came back after a while.” Eleanor led me to the bathroom and helped me clean my face. As she did my makeup, she continued.

“I think Harry needs to learn to care for others more. I know he cares about you more than anything. This is hard on all of us, and he’s being selfish.” Perrie came in and offered me a warm hug. “Zayn called and said they’re still looking. I know they’ll find him. Harry would never leave you.”

When my appearance was decent again, all of us searched around the neighborhood. After 2 hours, there was still no sign of him. I felt like crying again, but I knew I shouldn’t. I was acting childish. I took my phone out and left a message for him, even though I knew there was no point. “Harry. Where are you?” I paused, trying to keep the tears in. “Come home. Please, I need you here with me.” Then, I hung up.

I jumped when my phone started ringing. I looked and almost screamed when I saw who was calling. It was Harry! I swiftly answered, “Harry?!” I heard weird noises in the background. “Lilyyyy.” He slurred. Great, was he drunk this whole time? “Harry, tell me where you are. I’ll come get you.”

“I’m not sure exactly. Where are you?”

I rolled my eyes but a tear streamed. “This isn’t funny. I’ve been so worried about you.” “There’s this girl. She helped me.” Harry really was drunk. “Okay, where are you and this girl?” I heard a thump; he had dropped his phone. Luckily he picked it up. “Hello?” A girl’s voice answered. I guess he hadn’t picked it up.

“Who is this?” I sounded a little rude but I just wanted to find Harry. “Oh, I’m Ashley. It looks like Harry has been drunk for a while. I went outside to walk my dog, and there he was, lying in the grass.” It sounded like he was somewhat safe at least.

“I’m sorry about that. He usually doesn’t get drunk anymore. Can I come get him?” Ashley said, “May I ask who this is first?” Why did she need to know that? “I’m Lily Carter, Harry’s best friend.” “Okay, he keeps saying your name so I guess you’re telling the truth.” Then, she gave me the address of where Harry was. I thanked her and hung up.

I told Eleanor and Perrie about the phone call, and they took me to him. Thankfully, he was still there in the grass. I got out of the car and ran as fast as I could to get to him. “Harry, I’m here!” His eyes were closed but they popped open when he heard my voice.

“Lily! You saved me!” He sounded like a 3 year old, but I was glad he was okay. “Yes, I saved you.” I eyed a girl who was moving closer to us and I stood up. “Are you Ashley?” She nodded. “Thanks for helping me. I appreciate it a lot.” She smiled, “No problem. I’m a hardcore Directioner and at first, I couldn’t believe Harry Styles was here. It’s a good thing no one else saw him. They probably would’ve taken him.” She laughed nervously.

I laughed with her and grabbed Harry’s arm. “You gotta walk now, Harry.” Perrie came over and helped me with him while Eleanor talked to Ashley. “Oh my god, you’re Eleanor!” I heard Ashley shout. I got Harry to the car, and Perrie knew we needed time alone.

She went back over to Eleanor. “How are you feeling?” Harry grinned, “Fantastic!” I laughed at him and picked out the grass from his curly hair. When Eleanor and Perrie returned, Ashley was with them. “Ashley’s coming with us to meet the other boys.” I smiled, “Cool.”

Back at the boy’s house, Ashley was literally freaking out. I couldn’t blame her though. Zayn, Liam, and Danielle came back first. I hugged Danielle as soon as I saw her. “I’ve missed you!” I exclaimed. “I’ve missed you too! We’ll have to gossip after everything is settled.” Ashley’s jaw dropped when she saw Danielle. She was always friendly, so she went straight to Ashley. I watched Liam beam as his eyes were on Dani, making me smile. I was happy for both of them.

Harry went to sleep, while Louis and Niall arrived. Niall locked eyes with me and rushed over. He gave me an earnest hug and kissed me on the cheek. “Are you alright now, Lily?” I nodded. Ashley came over and met Niall. She noticed us holding hands, “Are you two dating?” I blushed and glanced at Niall.

“Not yet.” He answered. “Oh, I think you guys would be cute together.” She seemed shy before, but now she seemed at ease. “I haven’t eaten in forever.” Niall whispered to me. “Aww, poor you. Go get some food!” How cute.

“Where’s Harry?” Ashley asked. “Oh he went to sleep. If you want, you should sleepover and then you can talk to him tomorrow.” She looked so excited but shook her head. “I don’t think I can sleepover, but maybe I could come back tomorrow?” I nodded, “Yeah, you should!” We exchanged numbers and then she left.

Ashley was really nice and funny. Then, I had a perfect idea. Maybe Harry could date Ashley someday. I knew he would like her if he got to know her. I smiled to myself.

Everything was finally working out.

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