Chapter 32

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DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 32:

April 1, 1977

(eighteen years ago)

Hermione fingered her invisible ring on the left hand as she was leaning her head on Sev's shoulder. It became a habit, and since Sev put it on her finger in January, she never removed it. She was still in Cloud Nine even after almost three months. She couldn't believe that her father approved of Sev's plan to ask her - when they were just seventeen - and that both of her parents and Sev's mum were letting the two of them spend the Easter break in the house Sev purchased. Just the two of them. No grandmother. No parents. No Mona. She was feeling excited and anxious at the same time. Anything can happen in the new house.

Am I ready for it? she asked herself, picturing herself and Sev sharing a bed again after four months.

The compartment door slid open, but Hermione and Sev, who were both reading (at least she was, a few minutes ago), made no move, knowing that only their friends Frank and Alice could enter the compartment (they left earlier to go somewhere on the Hogwarts Express, doing only Merlin knows what).

But it was Sirius who entered, looking mournful. He sat on the empty seat across them.

"Hermy..." he called in a low voice.

She placed her book down but did not free herself from Sev's arms. She turned to Sirius. "Siri, what happened to you?" And that was when she noticed that her Gryffindor friend was wearing Muggle clothes - a casual 'The Beatles' shirt and a pair of Muggle denim trousers. His long, curly hair was a mess.

Sirius facepalmed and then ran a hand in his hair. He looked so stressed.

"I have a problem..."

Hermione moved to sit properly, but Sev tightened his hold to her. "Don't believe him.

It's April Fool's Day," he replied casually.

"I'm serious, Snape," their Gryffindor friend said weakly and sighed heavily.

"Of course, you are," commented Sev. "Just before we left Hogwarts, you were pranking your little brother, and suddenly on our way to London, you have a problem. What, Bones broke it up with you?"

"Reggie got an owl from our parents on the train," he almost whispered.

Hermione and Sev exchanged looks and slightly pulled away from each other. They were sure Sirius would never use Reggie's name and his parents for a prank, even on April Fool's.

"What happened?" she asked in a concerned tone, leaning a bit forward to pat Sirius's knee.

"They asked Reg to bring me home. It was all of a sudden because they never asked for me since I was disowned... so I asked Reg what could be the real reason. Turns out, they wanted me to be a..."

"A what?" asked Hermione eagerly.

"A Death Eater," said Sev.

Hermione and Sirius turned to the Slytherin wizard. "You know?" asked Sirius in a disbelieving tone.

"Toyin mentioned something about your parents supporting You-Know-Who," her boyfriend replied carefully. "Purebloods talk, you know. And Regulus tells me everything."

Hermione turned to Sirus. "Is that true, Siri? They're asking you to go home, to be a Death Eater?"

Sirius, looking in his lap, nodded. "I don't know what to do."

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