Chapter 3

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


This story was inspired by the following fanfics:

1. Bewitch, Ensnare by Kittenshift17

2. Aurelian by BittyBlueEyes

3. The Dark Lord's Daughter by AmandahLeigh


Chapter 3:

July 24, 1995

(present time)

Hermione sat uncomfortably at the kitchen table with Ginny and some Order members - Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Tonks, Remus, and Sirius. The Weasley boys - Fred, George, and Ron were sent to the twins' room on the third floor and was clearly instructed to avoid the second floor, especially Hermione and Ginny's room.

"Shall we start, Albus?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"Let's wait for Severus and William," the old wizard replied calmly. Then, he turned to her with his twinkling eyes. "How are you, Miss Granger?"

She smiled politely. "I am fine, Sir. Still shocked, but fine."

"I still can't believe that a very advanced Time-Turner would exist," commented Professor McGonagall.

"It must be very dangerous in the future... and hopeless, to send your child back in time," quipped Remus.

"You really don't know the child's father, Kitten?" asked Sirius with a frown.

She shook her head. "It was Taboo. The child's surname."

"The child's father was wanted, then," said Remus.

"Albus?" came Professor Snape's voice from the doorway. He came with Bill Weasley.

Hermione's heart jumped at the sight of her professor. She felt a pang of sadness upon seeing him and at the same time remembering Leo and she couldn't understand why.

"Severus, Bill, take your seats," said the headmaster casually.

Professor Snape turned to Hermione's direction and raised an eyebrow. "And may I ask why Miss Granger and Miss Weasley are here?"

"Something happened this afternoon that concerns Miss Granger and Miss Weasley was there as well," explained Dumbledore. "Sit, Severus, Bill," he repeated gently.

Bill was quick to sit beside his father at the other end of the table. The Potions Master took the only remaining vacant seat: to Hermione's right. Ginny was on her left. "Well?" he asked.

Headmaster Dumbledore turned to Mrs. Weasley. "Molly, if you may?"

"Well, this afternoon, we heard a loud thud coming from the drawing-room. Tonks and I were in the kitchen and the girls were in the library, but we all heard it. We went to the drawing-room and saw a little boy - "

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