Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 22:

October 5, 1974

(twenty-one years ago)

"Are you sure it's all right to spend time with me?" Hermione asked Remus and Frank for the third time that day. "I mean, your Gryffindor friends surely want you to join them."

They were walking in Hogsmeade. Severus encouraged her to go to Hogsmeade with the two Gryffindor boys while he practiced Quidditch. Alice went to the village with her fellow Hufflepuffs and assured Hermione that she was fine and that they had to pretend to get back to Lily.

Sometimes, Hermione wanted to stop the hoax they created, but whenever she would remember Lily's words to Alice and how she was trying hard to get Severus's attention, she became eager to make the redhead a fool.

"Of course, Hermione," replied Remus. "James, Sirius, and Peter don't listen to me when I tell them to stop pranking and hexing others anyway, so I'd rather spend time with you and Frank."

Frank slung an arm on her shoulder innocently - or in a brotherly manner. "Don't worry about us, Mione. We want to visit the bookshop too, you know."

She laughed. "All right, all right. Let's go to Tomes and Scrolls, then," she said eagerly.

They entered the bookshop and browsed. Seeing that Remus and Frank were also interested in checking out new titles, she took her time looking around. A book on Patronus Charm caught her attention. First, because of the lovely cover of the book. It had a picture of a beautiful silver dolphin over a lake. Second, the title: Discover the Animal in You, by Flavius Belby.

"Wow," she whispered in awe. "The Patronus Charm..."

"That's an interesting charm," came Remus's voice.

She turned to smile at him. "Indeed. Pity, they don't teach it at Hogwarts."

Remus grinned. "Perhaps they would if there are Dementors around."

"I don't think there ever will be. Plus, the headmaster won't allow it... Unless there's a murderer on the run." She chuckled and opened the book. "I think I'll take this," she announced.

Remus eyed the book she was holding and then looked at her. "Would you like to learn how to cast a Patronus?" he asked kindly.

"Of course! We never know when you need them, plus, those able to produce corporeal Patronuses were often elected to high office within the Ministry of Magic," she informed him, making Remus chuckle.

"Well, I think it's time to payback for the potion, you know," he said. Hermione gave him a questioning look. "My father taught me the charm even before Hogwarts... and I've been practicing since the first year."

"Oh, wow!" she exclaimed. "That's fantastic, Remus! And you're willing to teach me and Sev?"

"And Frank and Alice, too, if they like," he grinned.

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