Chapter 40

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


A/N: Thanks for your positive reviews and encouragement to continue this at my own pace. I hope you're all safe and healthy!


June 5, 1978

(seventeen years ago)

When she entered the Room of Requirement, Hermione slumped on the rug by the fireplace and opened a book without greeting her friends.

"Hey, Hermy," called James from the couch.

Hermione laid on her stomach, hands on her chin, and looked up at James. He was still wearing his school shirt and trousers, but the tie was loosened. His hair was messier than ever.

"How was the exam for you?" he asked.

She shrugged. "It was fine, but I wasn't sure if I got the last part in History of Magic, you know about the Goblin - "

"You did well, I'm sure," Sirius, who was just joining them, cut her off in a teasing way. Hermione frowned at his attire. He was wearing a casual t-shirt with 'The Beatles' printed in front, and a pair of denim trousers. He sat beside James.

"Where have you been, Pads?" asked Remus from the other couch, putting down his book.

"Muggle London," replied Sirius, winking at her instead of looking at Remus.

"What?" Hermione and James exclaimed together.

"I should give you detention!" she cried, standing up.

"Why didn't you take me with you?" asked James.

Hermione smacked the back of Head Boy's head. "Git!"

"Ouch!" groaned James. "Honestly, woman, I should file a violence complaint."

Hermione turned to Sirius sternly, hands on her hips. "Why did you leave the castle? It's not allowed to -"

"Do I know you?" he cut her off again. "Or, do you know me? I've been breaking rules since eleven."

She rolled her eyes. Arguing with Sirius about rule-breaking was like going on a wild goose chase. In other words, pointless. "Fine. Why did you leave the castle?"

Sirius smirked. "Well, I heard that there's going to be a concert at Hyde Park, so I decided to grab the opportunity and buy tickets for myself and three exhausted seventh-years."

"We're going to watch a concert?" asked James excitedly. "When?"

"We're not allowed to leave the castle..." she said in a sing-song voice, turning around to sit by the fireplace again.

"We are... next weekend, for job-hunting," quipped Remus.

"Bingo! And that's when the concert's going to be," grinned Sirius. He reached inside his pockets and showed them concert tickets.

She reached out for one and frowned. "How did you manage to procure tickets? This band is prominent and even my sister's boyfriend said it's not easy to - "

"Magic, kitten."

She glared at him.

"What?" Sirius barked a laugh. "I'm of age. I just had my N.E.W.T.s. I'm allowed to use magic."

"Not to the Muggles," quipped Remus.

She turned to her other friend. "Thank you."

"Hermy, relax! It was just a simple charm to get in the queue first."

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